City Trees

May/June 2015

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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Page 33 of 39

Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifo- lius Raddi) is a small ornamental subtropical tree native to South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay). It can grow to a height of 7 to 10 m (23 to 33 feet). It is adapted to different ecosystems, from dunes to swamps, and is salt tolerant. It blooms with small white flowers that turn into clus- ters of red berries. In our region, Brazilian pepper tree is a good tree for urban use and for reforesta- tion projects. Needs little pruning. Can be invasive. Urban Trees in Lima, Peru: A Pictorial by Rafael Rivero Terry, Landscape Architect & Owner, Paisajismo Puro, Lima, Peru Peru's capital, Lima, is the second largest city in the world developed in a desert (Cairo in Egypt is the largest). There´s not enough water because there´s no rain, only mist during the winter—yet at the same time, it´s very humid. Over the course of a year, Lima's tem- perature typically ranges from 60°F to 80°F (16 to 27°C) and seldom goes below 57°F (14°C) or above 85°F (29°C). In my work as a landscape architect in Lima and other cities in the region, I seek trees that are drought tolerant and adapted to humid climates, but also beautiful, such as the ones in this pictorial. These are photos I took around Lima that show municipal trees in typically stressful urban environments. 34 City Trees

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