January 2012

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portfolio LANDSCAPING: Scott Brinitzer Design Associates, Arlington, Virginia PROJECT: Private residence, Lewes, Delaware Seashore Sensation T BY LAUREN HEARTSILL DOWDLE Multiple gardens, outdoor living areas for challenging space ransforming the landscape around this mid-1800s house into a modern, relaxing spot for the clients and their extended family was no easy task for Scott Brinitzer Design Associates. The property's trapezoidal shape, sandy soil and large size – which stretches more than 400 feet from the canal waterfront to back woodland – required extra planning and a creative approach, taking a year to design and almost two years to fi nish. To manage the installation, Scott Brinitzer divided the project into fi ve areas: canal, front, dining/fi replace, spa/pool and contemplation gardens. The canal garden is wild and full of perennials – planted by friends and family during the client's 50th birthday party – and grasses that can withstand occasional fl ooding and salty conditions. The foliage includes Black-Eyed Susans, day lilies, northern sea oats and Karl Foerster grass. "We mixed the plants up to get as much bloom time as possible," Brinitzer says. Other gardens include camellias, vibur- nums, rosemary, lavender and hydrangeas, which "do really well there because hy- drangeas are good for seashore planting." The front garden is subdued, allowing the house to be the focal point. The home's kitchen and dining rooms open onto the dining/fi replace garden for added convenience. During the summer, the spa/pool gardens are the center of activity. Finally, near the woodlands lies the contemplation garden, with fl owing bedlines that connect to the neighboring property. To view more photos from this project, visit 52 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CARE / January 2012 To have your proj- ect featured, e-mail high-resolution photos, a descrip- tion of the project and the name of your business to LaurenHeartsill@

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