Specialty Coffee Retailer

Specialty Coffee Retailer February 2012

Specialty Coffee Retailer is a publication for owners, managers and employees of retail outlets that sell specialty coffee. Its scope includes best sales practices, supplies, business trends and anything else to assist the small coffee retailer.

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remake of the original round tin, a recyclable paper packet, and a sleek, newly-designed tube made of all- biodegradable materials. Sencha also now uses all-natural xylitol (a sugar-free sweetener) instead of sorbitol. In addition to the classic Original Green Tea, Sencha mints are now available in Bombay Chai, Tropical Mango, Fire Dragonfruit, and Moroccan Mint. For more information, call 888-4-SENCHA (888-473-6242) or visit www.senchanaturals. com. GEORGIA-PACIFIC New paper napkin is soft, elegant Preference Advantage is the latest addition to Georgia- Pacific's Preference line of dinner napkins. The new 1/8 fold, 16 x 15-inch dinner napkin showcases an elegant embossed pattern, in keeping with the upscale, eye- pleasing appearance of the entire Preference portfolio. In addition to aesthetic appeal, the napkin is thick and soft, and has an excellent handfeel. For more information, call 866-HELLO GP (866-435-5647) or visit www.gppro.com. WHITE COFFEE CORP. Bencheley teas have new parent White Coffee Corp. has acquired exclusive rights to market Bencheley branded teas to wholesalers, retailers and consumers nationwide. Bencheley high-quality teas range from exotic, including French Vanilla and Cherry Almond, to more traditional blends like English Breakfast and Earl Grey teas. Bencheley Teas are known by the distinctive coat of arms featuring a "B" on the label and are currently offered as loose teas as well as individual tea bags sold in tins at outlets on-line and in supermarkets, club stores, mass merchandisers, department stores and specialty stores across the country. For more information, call 718-204-7900 ext. 125 or visit www.whitecoffee.com. PENTAIR FILTRATION SOLUTIONS Water filter removes lime, improves taste Everpure MRS-600HE-II is a high-output, high- efficiency reverse osmosis filtration system for multiple foodservice applications. The tailored blending process removes just the right amount of dissolved solids from incoming tap water to achieve the desired final water quality. It has an average recovery rate of 78 percent and uses less than half the electricity typically consumed by conventional reverse osmosis systems. The MRS-600HE-II reduces limescale buildup that can affect equipment, and reduces chlorine taste and odor and other contaminants. For more information, call 800-323-7873 or visit www.everpure.com. Fill in 97 on Reader Service Form or visit www.OneRs.hotims.com/41401-97 Fill in 98 on Reader Service Form or visit www.OneRs.hotims.com/41401-98 February 2012 • www.specialty-coffee.com | 47

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