The Journal

October 2015

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OCTOBER 2015 26 THE JOURNAL Three Keys to Massive Sales Conversions BY SCOTT STROUD MARKETING CONSULTANT Every company must sell to survive. Your company is no exception; sales generate rev- enue, whether it's a purchase, a lease or a rental. So, every aspect of your company must be focused on getting and retaining customers. This column is typically about how to gener- ate new business through marketing. But let's instead focus on three keys tools that every or- ganization must employ to turn leads into sales and prospects into customers. Key #1: A Receptive Website. Sure, you have a website. But, is it recep- tive? Does it 'pull' viewers in and engage them, rather that 'push' your product or services on them? To be an effective conversion tool, you website must welcome new inquiries and guide them to the information they are looking for quickly and efficiently. It must also be optimized for mobile viewers, which can account for over half of all site visitors. If it isn't, not only are those vis- itors going to be less inclined to stick around and see what you have to offer, you'll get fewer vis- itors to your site. A receptive website will include the follow- ing: - Clean, uncluttered home page with a clear statement of your benefits. - Concise copy written from your prospect's in- terest and point of view - Captivating photography and easy-to-read plan renderings - Resources – articles and links that help them research, plan and engage - Answer: Why should they buy from you in- stead of your competition? - - What do you do that others don't? - - What do you do better than others? - - Why will your prospect's life be better in your home or community? - - How you make it easier or faster to get what they want. The purpose of your website is to convince your site visitors that they should visit you in person. That means your site has to be recep- tive to their wants, needs and hopes. If your website fails at any of the objectives listed above, then it's not as effective as it could be in converting website browsers into onsite buyers. Key #2: A CRM your sales team will use. Contact Relationship Management (CRM) software has moved from being a "strong sug- gestion" to an absolute must-have. You simply can't be competitive without a robust CRM, and here's why: An easy-to-use CRM software will allow your sales team to become better organized and to spend their valuable time and energy with the right prospects – those ready and able to buy now. A CRM keeps all prospect and client in- formation in one location and allows all notes and history to be quickly viewed, and alerts the sales rep to any tasks and appointments so no lead every 'falls through the cracks'. And the best CRM systems are cloud-based so you and your sales reps have instant access to all con- tacts from any computer, smart phone or tablet. Features an effective CRM system should have include: - Easy to use, even for 'non-techie' sales people - Cloud based for easy access from anywhere - Simple dashboard to allow quick searches, additions and notes - Alerts for tasks and appointments - Sales Pipeline to see where every contact is in the buying process - Clear, real-time reporting of new contacts, sales stages, call logs, task/appointment logs, salesperson actions, prospect actions, etc. - Sales and Revenue Forecasting If you're not yet convinced that you need an effective contact management system, then an- swer these two questions for yourself: 1. What is my sales team's aver- age conversion rate of prospects to sales? 2. What percentage of my sales come from referrals from past buyers? If you're not happy with the an- swers, then you should strongly con- sider a new CRM system. Because if you're not using one, I guaranty that your competitors are. Key #3: Automate Your Communications When a prospect fills out a web form from you website, you can count on two things: 1) They have a high level of interest right now; and 2) they expect an immediate response. To be specific, 23% expect instant communication; 21% expect a reply within 30 minutes; 16% will wait up to 24 hours for a reply. And if you fail to meet their expectations, then they're gone - to see if your competitor can do better! On the other hand, salespeople responding to an online lead within an hour of receiving a query are nearly seven times more likely to qual- ify the lead as those that tried to contact the customer even an hour later — and more than 60 times more likely as companies that waited 24 hours or longer. In sales, if you snooze, you lose! You can meet your prospect's expectations by automating your communications with immedi- This column is typically about how to generate new business through marketing. But let's in- stead focus on three keys tools that every or- ganization must employ to turn leads into sales and prospects into customers.

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