April 2012

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landscaper of the year fi nalist LANDSCAPER of the Year 2012 Artistic ARTICLE AND PHOTOS BYLAUREN HEARTSILL DOWDLE With nature as his canvas, Sean Nutter has determination, passion and design savvy on his landscaping palette. urrounded by swaying palm trees and a salt-laced breeze, Sean Nutter creates landscape masterpieces with strokes of opulence and splashes of fl oral color. "With my work, I'm creating an emotion for the client when they look at their property," he says. "Whether it is excitement or feeling relaxed listening to a water feature, I make people want to live outside." Nutter's keen eye and contagious ardor for landscaping pushed his company, Greenday Cre- ations Inc. (GCI), through the recession and into Miami, Florida's high-end residential properties. Enthusiasm April 2012 / TOTAL LANDSCAPE CARE 35 finalist

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