Best Driver Jobs

December 2015

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Equipment Feature By Jack Roberts 50 December 2015 BestDriverJOBS GT commercial tires win SmartWay verification F our GT Radial com- mercial res, including three for regional service and one designed for city buses and urban delivery, have received SmartWay verifi ca on from the U.S. Environmental Protec on Agency (EPA). With these four new additions, GT Radial now has seven commer- cial tires for line haul and regional service that have met the requirements of the SmartWay Technology Program. The GT Radial premium line haul line-up — GSL213FS steer tire, GDL617FS drive tire, and GTL922FS trailer tire – had already received SmartWay verifi cation "Our company is committed to help- ing fl eets and owner operators reduce their operating expenses, and with fuel being a major expense, we're thrilled to add four more GT Radial tires to our SmartWay line-up," said Patrick Gunn, director of sales and marketing, commercial tire, for GITI Tire (USA) Ltd., which markets and sells a full line of GT Radial commercial tires in North America. "We now have a full line of SmartWay verifi ed tires for line haul and regional applications. When you combine the long tread life, durability and re- treadability of GT Radial tires with fuel effi ciency, GT Radial delivers a very competitive cost per mile." The four GT Radial tires to obtain SmartWay verifi cation are: • The GT279 regional steer tire features a fi ve straight rib pattern for reliable control and handling, deep tread depth for long tread life, and multiple sipes in the fi ve ribs for optimum traction and braking. • The GT688 regional drive tire has an aggressive open shoulder lug pattern for excellent traction on wet and dry roads. Central dual serrated ribs contribute to exceptional stability and control, while the tire's deep tread depth delivers an outstanding cost per mile. • The GT879 regional all position tire has a fi ve rib design with wide our GT Radial com- now has seven commer- cial tires for line haul and regional service that have met the requirements of the line of GT Radial commercial tires in North America. "We now have a full line of SmartWay verifi ed tires for line haul and regional applications. When you combine the long tread life, durability and re- treadability of GT Radial tires with fuel effi ciency, GT Radial delivers a very competitive cost per mile." The four GT Radial tires to obtain SmartWay verifi cation are: • steer tire features a fi ve straight

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