Best Driver Jobs

February 2016

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66 February 2016 BestDriverJOBS Women In Trucking positive changes for the coming year. The Romans used the new calendar to remind themselves to be good to others, but the celebration became one of prayers and fasting after adopting Christianity as it's official religion in the fourth century. The Puritans kept the tradition of self-reflection going in the 18th cen- tury as they instructed their children to reflect on the past year and contem- plate the new year with commitments to become better neighbors and avoid sinful activities. The categorized our resolutions and reported that the top resolutions are related to self-im- provement or education goals. Second resolution types are about weight goals, followed closely by money- related commitments and relationship- related resolutions. The Women In Trucking Facebook pages includes over 9,000 members who were asked to share their New Year's resolutions. While this is an unscientific sample, it is driver focused and the responses reflected this group of professionals. Deb promised to keep up with paper- work and not procrastinate. She also resolved to listen more and speak less. Ingrid's comment was to start asking for help and stop taking on "more than I can do." Laura's promise was to start putting her own needs first. Lisa agreed with this and stated that she would "take care of my needs and wants instead of putting myself last." Lisa also resolved to get in shape and lose some weight. Tanya's resolution was to "realize the need for patience among new drivers [who are] doing wrong maneuvers." If you are in your twenties, your odds of attaining your New Year's goal is found that 39 percent of people in their twenties achieved their resolutions compared to only fourteen percent of those over fifty. According to historian Bill Petro (, a young Theologian named Jonathan Edwards created a list of seventy resolutions he promised to review on a weekly basis. A few notable ones include: Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live. Resolved, never to do anything out of revenge. Resolved, never to speak evil of any, unless I have some particular good call for it. Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life. We could all use some positive changes in our lives and a new year is the perfect time to look forward and leave our old bad habits behind. Whether your resolution is to lose weight, get healthy, work on your relationships, take a class, or to "live with all your might," it's a great time to work on self improvements. Happy New Year from all of us at Women In Trucking Association. bdj

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