Good Fruit Grower

March 1

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Page 26 of 47 Good Fruit Grower MARCH 1, 2016 27 Have you seen this stinkbug? Public responds to help track BMSB spread in Michigan. by Leslie Mertz I f its pace of movement in other parts of the country is any indication, the brown marmorated stink- bug is only about fi ve years away from becoming a prominent menace to Michigan fruit growers. To determine if that timeline is holding true, a Michigan State University expert decided to reach out to the public to learn just how widespread the stinkbug is. The results took her by surprise. "The brown mar- morated stinkbug was fi rst detected in the mid-At- lantic states back in 1996, and just 10 years later it was a massive agricultural pest there. In Michigan, the first detection was in 2010, so we're now in the middle of that 10-year period," said Dr. Julianna Wilson, tree fruit inte- grated pest management (IPM) outreach specialist in the MSU Department of Entomology. To track the pest, MSU extension professionals in 2014 and 2015 set pyramid traps at 60 sites, mainly in southwestern lower Mich- igan where the fi rst stink- bugs were found. Those traps picked up stinkbugs — often just one or two — in 22 of Michigan's 83 counties, but Wilson sus- pected that the insect was much more widespread and numerous than the trap data suggested. "I was kind of frustrated because we were doing all this work running around checking traps, but we were getting hardly any. That's because unless the bugs are in the vicinity of the traps, they don't come to the traps," she said. Then she came up with an idea: She would issue a wanted poster of sorts. She wrote an article about the invading insect and put the question to the public: Have you seen this stinkbug? On Sept. 25, she posted PHOTO BY LESLIE MERTZ Julianna K. Wilson, Ph.D., tree fruit integrated pest management outreach specialist in the MSU Department of Entomology, felt brown marmorated stinkbugs in Michigan might be more pervasive than trap data suggested, and put out a call to the public to help gather a better picture of its spread. She was shocked by the response. © 2015, Trécé Inc., Adair, OK USA • TRECE, PHEROCON and CIDETRAK are registered trademarks of Trece, Inc., Adair, OK USA TRE-0691, 1/15 PLEASE: ALWAYS READ THE LABEL 32 MESOS/ACRE = SUPERIOR MATING DISRUPTION The ONLY Mating Disruption System for both MALE… and FEMALE Codling Moth INSEC T PHEROMONE & KAIROMONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED ® Your Edge – And Ours – Is Knowledge. CIDETRAK ® CMDA COMBO ™ MESO ™ contains a unique combination of Codling Moth pheromone AND a patented male AND female behavior modifying kairomone called DA. Designed to deliver long-lasting performance with remarkably fast application at 32 MESOS/ACRE. • What it does: Disrupts oviposition, reduces mating, maintains higher virginity and lowers damage. • How to use it: Ready-to-use package, ready-to-hang dispensers. • Longevity: Long-lasting full season performance. CIDETRAK ® CMDA COMBO ™ MESO ™ dispenser in use at 32 MESOS/ACRE. T R E C E T E C H N O L O G Y ´ ´ WSDA ORGANICALLY APPROVED! WSDA ORGANICALLY APPROVED! Contact your local supplier and order now. Visit our website: or call 1- 866 -785-1313.

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