Vineyard & Winery Management

March/April 2016

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1 0 0 V I N E YA R D & W I N E RY M A N A G E M E N T | M a r - A p r 2 016 s co-creators of America Online, Steve and Jean Case helped create an industry that revolutionized the way we live and ignited an era of rapid change, especially in technol- ogy. Today, they support other innovative companies through Revolution, a venture firm founded by Steve Case in 2006. In 2011, they bought a struggling Virginia winery out of bankruptcy, delving into an industry where nothing is fast and traditions are rooted deeper than vines. In four short years, Early Mountain Vineyards has emerged as a lead- er in Virginia's thriving wine scene. Vineyard & Winery Management asked Jean Case about her success and what other up-and- coming wine regions can learn from Virgin- ia's example. Vi n e y a r d & W i n e r y M a n a g e m e n t [ V&WM ] How has the transition been from busy Northern Virginia to the speed traps and rural life of Madison County? Jean Case [ JC ] Once we engaged with the viticulture community in Virginia, we definitely realized we were on a steep learning curve. There was a bit of a "We're not in Kansas anymore" kind of feeling, as we observed that this industry had many traits that were different than those we'd encountered in the business and philanthropy work we've been a part of. We learned we had to bring a more patient approach to this business — patience and timing are everything. While the food and wine culture in Virginia is associated with rural life, we've found the people at the fore- front are both dynamic and innovative. We simply can't say enough about the unique culture of collaboration and friendship we've experienced. The wine industry here is a true pleasure to be a part of. From the very start, we were touched by many leaders in Virginia wine who took us under their wings and so openly shared their knowledge and experiences. BY DAVE MCINTYRE Jean Case How Jean and Steve Case grew Early M o u n t a i n V i n e y a rd s i n t o a l e a d e r i n V i rg i n i a 's t h ri v i n g w i n e s c e n e . w w w. v w m m e d i a . c o m

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