Best Driver Jobs

March 2016

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Feature functionality alleviates one of the chief complaints that derailed the 2010 rule: Fleets using ELD messaging or alerts to interrupt drivers' off-duty rest periods. If drivers are using a device that can make audible signals or noises, the rule requires the device to have the ability to either automatically enter a muted mode when put in a sleeper berth setting or it must have the functionality to allow a driver to turn the volume off. Edi ng rights: Though the rule permits edits by drivers and carriers to be made, it also requires the devices' original record to be maintained, as well as requiring all devices to have a unique login ID, so that edits can be tracked and annotations kept transparent. All edits, even if made by a carrier, must be approved by a driver before being added to the record of duty status, according to the rule. All edits must also include an annotation, a minimum of four charac- ters, explaining the edit. Loca on tracking: The rule does not require compliant devices to track driv- ers or vehicles in real-time. According to the rule, the devices are only required to provide an approximate device loca- tion — within a 1-mile radius — during on-duty driving periods. FMCSA says limiting location tracking to "reduced proximities" aids in protecting truck- ers' privacy and helps safeguard against harassment from carriers. bdj 74 March 2016 BestDriverJOBS

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