Good Fruit Grower

August 2016

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12 AUGUST 2016 Good Fruit Grower Farm labor housing struggles against federal loan stipulation. by Ross Courtney I n Milton-Freewater, Oregon, many people still call the Orchard Homes farmworker housing facility "the labor camp" after its 1950s origin as quarters for traveling field laborers, who stayed for a month or so before moving on. Obviously, times have changed. Today, about half of the units in Orchard Homes, an apartment facility built by area farmers specifically to house seasonal laborers, are occupied by year-round residents, but the younger generations of workers are seeking work outside the fields, vineyards and orchards that line the Walla Walla Valley in this corner of northeast Oregon. As a result, Orchard Homes lacks enough resi- dents, and the nonprofit grower organization that owns it has been dipping into reserves to make its loan pay- ments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The growers would like to house the new wave of Red tape keeps some workers out Harvest Orchard Homes in Milton-Freewater, Oregon, was built in the 1950s to house workers during fruit harvest. Today, most residents live there year-round. 120 N. Naches Avenue | Yakima, WA 98901 | 509.853.3000 1420 Fifth Avenue | Suite 3000 | Seattle, WA 98101 | 206.626.6000 At Stokes Lawrence Velikanje Moore & Shore, we take the time to understand what's important to you. We have decades of experience working with agricultural clients and deep knowledge of the business and legal issues they face. Let's reach your goals together. Realizing Your Vision Estate/Succession Planning George Velikanje Garon Jones Ellen Jackson Business/Real Estate Morrie Shore Dustin Yeager Charissa Johnston Litigation/Employment Brendan Monahan Sarah Wixson Sean Russel Erika Hartliep Banning Red Fuji appears to be 7 to 10 days earlier than other late Fujis! Now Accepting Contracts for Spring 2017 and 2018! We have over 50 years of experience in the nursery business and are now taking growing contracts for: Ultima™ Gala, Banning Red Fuji, Honeycrisp,™ Granny Smith, and many others. Taking orders for benchgrafts. 4000 Grant Road, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 509-884-7041 OFFICE

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