Good Fruit Grower

November 2016

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50 NOVEMBER 2016 GOOD FRUIT GROWER T here's a right way and a wrong way to answer consumer questions about genetically mod- ified foods, sprays and other agricultural practices, and growers have been doing it wrong for far too long. That's the position of Kevin Folta, molecular biol- ogist, professor and chair of the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida, who will deliver the keynote address at the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo on Dec. 6-8 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. "Whether we're scientists or farmers, it's very simple in our minds, because we know the products we use are safe and are very comfortable with them. The problem is that when we talk to the public about these things, we can come off as arrogant or defensive," he said. "To a Share your Expert view: Individual growers must take on customer fears about GMOs and chemicals. by Leslie Mertz know-how & grow-how • High Quality Plastic Resin • Easily Cleaned • Can be Sterilized • Various Sizes • Interlock Stacking • Vented or Solid • American Made Washington's Authorized DEALER 509-961-8252 RHONDA CALAHAN Macro ® Plastics Bins and Totes DELIVERY OPTIONS AVAILABLE!

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