Cultured Magazine

Winter 2016

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Exclusive Sales A gent: Dougla s Elliman Development Marketing. T he R it z - Carlton Residences, Miami Beach are not ow ned, developed or sold by T he R it z - Carlton Hotel Company, L .L .C. or it s af filiates ("R it z - Carlton"). 4701 Nor t h Meridian, L .L .C. uses T he R it z - Carlton mark s under a licen se f rom R it z - Carlton, which ha s not confir med t he accurac y of any of t he st atement s or represent ation s made herein. T his g raphic is an "ar tist's rendering" and is for concept ual pur poses only. T HIS OF F ER I NG IS M A DE ONLY BY T HE OF F ER I NG DOCUMENT S FOR T HE CONDOMINIUM A ND NO STAT EMENT SHOULD BE R ELIED UPON IF NOT M A DE IN T HE OF F ER ING DOCUMENT S. T HIS IS NOT A N OF F ER TO SELL , OR SOLICITAT ION OF OF F ER S TO BU Y, T HE CONDOMINIUM U NIT S IN STAT ES W HER E SUCH OF F ER OR SOLICITAT ION CA N NOT BE M A DE. PR ICES, PL A NS A ND SPECIF ICAT IONS A R E SUBJEC T TO CH A NGE W IT HOUT NOT ICE. OR A L R EPR ESENTAT IONS CA N NOT BE R ELIED UPON A S COR R EC T LY STAT I NG T HE R EPR ESENTAT IONS OF T HE DEV ELOPER. FOR COR R EC T R EPR ESENTAT IONS, R EF ER ENCE SHOULD BE M A DE TO T HE DOCUMENT S R EQUIR ED BY SEC T ION 718.503, F LOR IDA STAT UT ES, TO BE F UR NISHED BY A DEV ELOPER TO A BU Y ER OR LESSEE. Schedule a Private aPPointment today 305.699.3950 | | 4701 n. meridian avenue, miami Beach a limited collection of exquiSite reSidenceS and Private Single-family villaS deSigned By Piero liSSoni | from $2 to $40 million Projected comPletion Second Quarter 2017 diScover the Private Side of miami Beach

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