An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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SHOPPING g 57 OUTDOOR u Yellow Wood Gear Premier outdoor gear and apparel. 401 E Silver Spring Dr. WHITEFISH BAY VINTAGE u Riverview Antique Market 50 dealers from Wisconsin in 15,000 square feet of space, find small and large items in all price ranges. 175 S. Water St. WALKER'S POINT SPECIALTY FOOD & DRINK u Clock Shadow Creamery Milwaukee's only creamery in one of the city's greenest buildings. 138 W. Bruce St. WALKER'S POINT u Gouda's Italian Deli Authentic Italian deli and grocery with daily sandwich specials and weekly carry-out dishes. 218 N. Water St. THIRD WARD u Great Lakes Distillery Small-batch distillery makes hand-craft award winning distilled spirits in limited quantities using old world methods and traditions. 616 W. Virginia St. WALKER'S POINT u Red Elephant Chocolate Premium, handmade chocolate. Known for signature truffles, sea salt caramels, "real deal" hot chocolate, cocoa bean tea and more. 333 N. Broadway THIRD WARD u Usinger's Making sausage in Milwaukee for over 130 years. Usinger wurstmachers are still located on Milwaukee's Old World 3rd Street (the site of the original store), and follow original family recipes to create 70 varieties of Old World sausage. 1030 N. Old World 3rd St. OLD WORLD 3RD ST u Wisconsin Cheese Mart Founded in 1938, display shelves offer 150+ Wisconsin cheese varieties. wisconsincheesemart. com 1048 N. Old World 3rd St. OLD WORLD 3RD ST BOOK STORES u Boswell Book Company New books, second hand books, bargain books, autographed books, greeting cards, journals, toys and gifts. And lots and lots of events. 2559 N. Downer Ave. EAST SIDE u Little Read Book Inc. A full service bookstore dedicated to the fine art of browsing, with a helpful staff ready to suggest a title, take your order, or wrap and ship your purchase. 7603 W State St. WAUWATOSA Tuffles from Red Elephant Chocolate