Arbor Age

Arbor Age October 2012

For more than 30 years, Arbor Age magazine has been covering new and innovative products, services, technology and research vital to tree care companies, municipal arborists and utility right-of-way maintenance companies

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HEALTH AND WELLNESS 1 External rotation Pin the upper arm in front next to the torso, keep the elbow bent at 90 degrees, rotate at the shoulder (externally). Return slowly to the start position. This exercise targets the rotator cuff to help maintain and improve shoulder stability. Bench press 1 The bench press, and other upper body exercises, provide needed strength for lifting, operating and carrying equipment. Because the shoulders are strengthened, this exercise can help pre- vent shoulder injuries. Lying on a bench, exhale as you push the dumb bells toward the ceiling. Inhale as you return to start position. 2 Biceps curls 1 Curls strengthen the upper arms, forearms and wrists. This exer- cise can help prevent wrist and elbow injuries and provide needed strength for daily operations. Exhale as you curl the forearms up toward the shoulders. Inhale as you return to start position. 2 Triceps extension 1 Triceps extension works the back side of the upper arm. This muscle group is involved in the actions of various lifting and moving actions. Keep upper arms tight to sides. Exhale as you push the forearms down until the arms are straight. Inhale as you return to start position. Leaning over at the hips slightly will help perform this exer- cise comfortably 2 20 Arbor Age / October 2012 2 v v v v

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