City Trees

November/December 2012

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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In this issue… Contributors Nina Bassuk is a professor and program leader of the Urban Horticulture Institute at Cornell University and co-author of Trees in the Urban Landscape. Gordon Mann is a past SMA Board Member, frequent contributor to City Trees, and operates Mann Made Resources Consulting Arborists of Auburn, California. Cecil Konijnendijk, a Dutch national, has studied the role of trees and woodland in urban environments across the world. He is professor of green space management in both Denmark and Sweden. Cecil is also editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening and authored the book The Forest & the City: The Cultural Landscape of Urban Woodland. Want to write for City Trees? Send an e-mail to City Trees Editor Michelle Sutton at: and request the Writer's Guidelines. Welcome New SMA Members Name Company Angie DiSalvo Anthony Crook Blair I. Stewart Cecil Poole Cory C. Meyer David A. Fleischner David W. Green Donna Pugh Greg J. Blick Hing Fai Lo Hunter George Gosda Johanna Arredondo Jonathan Mills Juerg Stauffacher Kelly Swarthout Ken-Ichi Kawamura Leigh Martin Mark Richardson Stefan W. Crane 6 Ketchum Parks & Recreation Dept. Town of Windsor City Of Edmond Urban Forestry Dept Dependable Land Maintenance Wake County GSA/Field Services Trees Inc Urban Tree People Portland Parks Urban Forestry City of Kelowna Paul Ries is an Instructor and Extension Specialist with the Oregon State University College of Forestry and the Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager for the State of Oregon. Michelle Sutton has been Editor of City Trees since 2005. She has an MS in Urban Horticulture from Cornell University and a BS in Horticulture from Virginia Tech. Links to her writing can be found at City Portland Stevens Point Kelowna Baton Rouge Bonne Terre Houston Sterling Heights Trotwood Stevens Point Hong Kong Stevens Point Blacksburg State OR WI BC LA MO TX MI OH WI WI VA Kidderminster Worcestershire Ketchum Neenah Windsor Edmond Deptford Raleigh ID WI CO OK NJ NC Country USA USA CANADA USA USA USA USA USA USA HONG KONG USA USA UK USA USA USA USA USA USA City Trees

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