Company Driver

December 2012

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Driving Is in His Blood Family History and a Passion for Trucks Led Alvin Joiner III to His Ideal Career superior truck maintenance; knowing that his truck is well maintained allows him to focus on what is most important: keeping customers satisfied. "Con-way has some of the best maintained equipment in the industry, and a driver can feel proud when he is in a Con-way vehicle. I hear from other drivers that this isn't true for all companies," said Alvin. "If a driver believes there is an issue with his truck, Con-way doesn't question his judgment or suggest that he let it go; they address the problem right away so it won't get worse over time. This keeps drivers like me on the road." Alvin Joiner III was about five years old the first time he remembers sitting behind the wheel of a truck, although he may have been even younger than that. Alvin was practically born in the driver's seat; his father, and his grandfather before him, drove logging trucks for a living — his father for 35 years. Alvin himself has been driving professionally for seven years, the last two for Con-way Truckload. "I always knew I would become a professional driver," Alvin said. "I can't imagine doing anything else." For Alvin, driving professionally means the freedom and flexibility to do the job his way. "The customers' needs always come first," Alvin said, "but beyond that, the driver is in control. I appreciate having so much independence, that any decisions are mine to make, and that I work for a company that respects my skills and has confidence in my ability to get the job done." While Alvin began driving for a different trucking company, a driving career at Con-way Truckload was always in his sights. Not surprisingly, Alvin has family members who drive for Con-way too, some of them cousins he used to play "trucks" with when he was a child. "Con-way has an excellent reputation among drivers, as well as a long history and a code of ethics, which was very important to me when I was deciding where I wanted to work," Alvin said. "It also helps that at Con-way, drivers are paid well for the work they do." Alvin shares his enthusiasm for professional driving in general, and Con-way Truckload in particular, with other drivers as a driver recruiter, a role which allows him to mentor and act as a resource for Con-way drivers who are just starting out. "Everyone was new once, and working as a driver recruiter lets me give back. I answer questions and help new drivers navigate through Con-way's processes," Alvin said. "I like meeting new people and seeing them succeed, and I still stay in close contact with the drivers I've mentored in the past." Of course, Alvin's time at home is equally important, and he always looks forward to being with his family and friends on the U.S. Gulf Coast, in Mississippi and Louisiana, where the "people, weather, and cuisine are unrivaled." Alvin especially loves spending time with his 12-year-old daughter and seven- and three-year-old sons, who look forward to doing all sorts of fun things when their dad is home — and often angle to get a seat behind the wheel of dad's truck, just like Alvin did. "Maybe they will be part of yet another generation of professional Joiner drivers," Alvin said, "and maybe they will find a place at Con-way too." Drivers interested in joining the Con-way Truckload team should visit, www. or call 866-740-6073. As someone who loves trucks, Alvin especially appreciates Con-way Truckload's commitment to Advertorial Untitled-1 1 11/2/12 1:11 PM

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