March 2014

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Telematics 20 | www.cedmag.com | Construction Equipment Distribution | March 2014 did the four manufacturers negotiate the common platform for the five data points; other manufacturers followed suit. Needless to say, the agreement didn't solve the problem. Orr says he "felt a storm brewing" among end- users of the equipment who were frustrated by the lack of uniform data systems. So in early 2013, Orr went to the Association of Equip- ment Manufacturers. AEM leadership formed a telematics taskforce of CEOs – a higher level of manage- ment discourse than in 2008 – and a second round of negotiations ensued. In February, AEMP and AEM jointly announced an industry agreement that standardizes another 19 data points and 42 fault codes that were deemed to be most important. "It is our view, and AEM's as well, that the standard will continue to evolve," Orr said. "This is a first step." Do You Read Me? Creating programming interfaces for proprietary systems admittedly is complex. That's because different systems measure data differently – or sometimes don't measure it at all – as well as use different error codes to red-flag perceived problems, and take readings at different intervals. This hodge-podge of methodology can result in apple-and-orange data that can misinform a back-office person unable to compensate for the mismatches. Even so, incomplete standardization of systems is not, at heart, a hardware or software problem. It mostly is a boardroom problem, with executives in Moline, Peoria, Gothenburg and other headquarters balking at the sharing of proprietary information with rival manufacturers. The ques- tion now is whether end-users will wait another five years for another dollop of standardization. Kendall Delp is feeling some impatience. The global service and maintenance manager for Ameco fleet services ultimately oversees about 9,600 pieces of rolling stock. He is a fairly recent user of telematics as a result of customers wanting it, and is an advocate of the technology. "I can almost see greater efficiency on a regional and global basis," he said. He believes every equipment owner – even a small contractor with a couple pieces of machinery and a truck or two – should invest in telematics. "Cost should not be the ultimate factor in deciding to gather this data. The time to do it is when you have limited pieces of equipment. Going forward as a business owner, you can have a better understanding of what equipment is best suited for an application." But Delp says there is "an absolute need" for standardization, regardless of manufacturers' reservations. "If the manufacturers can't do this on ("Speak to Me" continued from page 19) **&¶VXQGHUZULWLQJSDUWQHULV $P7UXVW,QWHUQDWLRQDOZKLFKLV$UDWHG E\$0%HVWZLWKRYHU\HDUVRI FROOHFWLYHXQGHUZULWLQJH[SHULHQFHLQWKH &RQVWUXFWLRQDQG$JULFXOWXUDO(TXLSPHQW JOREDOPDUNHWV **&KDVRYHU\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFH DGPLQLVWUDWLQJH[WHQGHGSURWHFWLRQSODQV 7KLVHQVXUHVFRPSHWLWLYHSUHPLXPVZKLOH DOVRSURYLGLQJIDLUDQGUHDVRQDEOHFODLPV UHLPEXUVHPHQW **&¶VNQRZOHGJHDQGH[SHULHQFH DOORZVIRUWKHFUHDWLRQRIWDLORUPDGH SURJUDPVWRPHHWDQ\QHHG\RXPD\KDYH $QLQWHUQHWDFFHVVLEOHDGPLQLVWUDWLYH V\VWHPWKDWLVHIûFLHQWDQGXVHUIULHQGO\ **&UHLPEXUVHVSDUWVDWFXVWRPHU OLVWSULFHDQGODERUDWVKRSUDWHRQDOO DSSURYHGFODLPV **&¶VSURJUDPSURYLGHVSHDFHRIPLQG IRU\RXUFXVWRPHUNQRZLQJWKDWWKHLU HTXLSPHQWLVSURWHFWHG **&DGPLQLVWUDWLYHFODLPVRIûFH ORFDWHGLQ6W6LPRQV,VODQG*D Vice President Operations 6ODGH5RZODQG Vice President Sales 5LFN6WDF\ Eastern Territory Manager *UHJ6FKXOW] Midwest Territory Manager 5\DQ&DUWHU Western Territory Managers -HUHP\&RFNURIW %ULDQ)UHLWDJ **&RIIHUVH[WHQGHGVHUYLFHSURWHFWLRQ SODQVIRU1HZDQG8VHG(TXLSPHQW 3RZHU7UDLQ3RZHU7UDLQ+\GUDXOLFV DQG)XOO0DFKLQH 8VHG(TXLSPHQWWHUPVDYDLODEOHIURP PRQWKVWR\HDUV 1HZ(TXLSPHQWWHUPVDYDLODEOHIURP \HDUVWR\HDUV **&RIIHUVVXSHULRUDGPLQLVWUDWLYH FDSDELOLWLHVYLDWKHLQWHUQHWWKURXJKRXU XVHUIULHQGO\ZHEVLWHwww.glynngeneral.com. ,PPHGLDWHWXUQDURXQGRITXRWHV &RQûUPDWLRQRIWKHWHUPVDQG FRQGLWLRQVIRUDOODYDLODEOHVHUYLFH FRQWUDFWV (IûFLHQWHQUROOLQJRIXQLWVZLWKDXWR PDWLFLQYRLFLQJ 8VHUIULHQGO\FODLPVSURFHVVLQJUHVXOW LQJLQVDWLVIDFWRU\FODLPVUHLPEXUVHPHQW $FFRXQWDFFHVVDOORZLQJIRUFRQVWDQW PRQLWRULQJRI\RXUZDUUDQW\SURJUDP

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