
July 2014

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JULY 2014 | BRAVAMAGAZINE.COM 23 Door Creek Dental, S.C. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 608.222.8080 Introducing Dr. To-Schwalbach LIFE LESSONS IT'S GROWING SEASON IN WISCONSIN, ˬNDˬLONGWITHTHECROPSWELOVETOSEE ǢOURISHTHEREˬREˬCOUPLEOFPLˬNTSWE SHOULD DEǠNITELY MˬKE SURE OUR KIDS LEˬRNTORECOGNIZEˬNDˬVOIDPOISONOˬK ˬNDPOISONIVY Poison ivy is a red-stemmed, three- LEˬFEDPLˬNTWHOSELEˬVESTURNBRIGHTRED INTHEFˬLL*TSCOUSINPOISONOˬKISˬLSO ˬLOWLYINGTHREELEˬFEDPLˬNTWITHSHINY GREENLEˬVES"BOUTHˬLFOFTHECHILDREN WHOCOMEINCONTˬCTWITHEITHERPLˬNT HˬVEˬNˬLLERGICREˬCTION "LLERGICREˬCTIONSUSUˬLLYOCCURˬBOUT THREETOFOURDˬYSˬFTEREXPOSUREŀ ERˬSH MˬNIFESTSˬSRˬISEDREDLESIONSINSTREˬKS ORPˬTCHES-ˬTERYOURCHILDMˬYDEVELOP BLISTERSWITHINTHEREDPˬTCHESTHˬTOPEN ˬNDOOZECLEˬRǢUID ŀ ERˬSHUSUˬLLYCLEˬRSUPINˬBOUTTWO WEEKSBUTYOUMˬYWˬNTTOˬPPLYCOOL COMPRESSESORˬTOPICˬLˬNTIITCHCREˬM TOEˬSETHESYMPTOMS DR. MOM WE OFTEN THINK OF CONFLICT as a bad thing, and it can be damaging to relationships if not handled well. However, conflict is often a sign that something is trying to happen in the relationship. Each of us has our favorite "relationship toxins," or reactions we're not proud of, but fall back on in challenging situations—blaming, defensiveness, stone- walling or contempt. Sometimes these toxins can become overwhelming in a relationship. But learning to identify these toxins can lessen their impact. So can strategies to handle conflict with appropriate antidotes, such as the soft start-up. CONFLICT = CREATION For example, instead of marching in with a harsh demand of your colleague—"Why didn't you get the report to me on time? Now I'm late and can't meet my deadline. You never do what you say you're going to do!"—try a softer, more inquisitive approach to ensure the conversation ends with a positive outcome. –Darcy Luoma Learn more about managing conflict and creating harmony in your relationships at BRAVA's next Women's Leadership Workshop with Darcy Luoma, Aug. 13, 8:30-11:45 a.m. Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison. Tickets at To decrease the chance that a child may SCRˬTCHˬNDDˬMˬGEHISSKINITmSBESTTO TRIMHISǠNGERNˬILSˬNDˬDMINISTERˬN ORˬLˬNTIHISTˬMINELIKECHILDRENmS#ENˬ DRYLORCETIRIZINEIFNEEDED If you learn that your child has come in CONTˬCTWITHPOISONIVYORPOISONOˬK you can decrease the chance of an aller- GICREˬCTIONBYIMMEDIˬTELYWˬSHINGTHE EXPOSEDˬREˬWITHSOˬPˬNDWˬTER*FTHE RˬSHINVOLVESYOURCHILDmSFˬCEORGROIN ORHˬSTHICKYELLOWDRˬINˬGETHˬTMˬY BEINDICˬTIVEOFˬBˬCTERIˬLINFECTIONYOU SHOULDCONSULTYOURPEDIˬTRICIˬN 'INˬLLYIFYOUPLˬNTOHIKEORCˬMPIN ˬWOODEDˬREˬTHˬTISKNOWNTOHˬRBOR POISONIVYORPOISONOˬKHˬVEYOURFˬM ILYWEˬRLONGPˬNTSˬNDSLEEVESTOˬVOID INCIDENTˬLEXPOSURE8ITHCˬREFULOBSER VˬTIONˬNDˬFEWPRECˬUTIONSYOUCˬNBE SURETOENJOYTHISLONGˬWˬITEDSUMMER –Dr. Kristin Seaborg is a pediatrician at Group Health Cooperative. POISON PLANTS DITCH THE ITCH

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