Vineyard & Winery Management

November/December 2014

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9 2 V I N E YA R D & W I N E RY M A N A G E M E N T | N o v - D e c 2 014 w w w. v w m m e d i a . c o m package without seeming like an afterthought, and it should add an element that enhances the branding. "We like to make sure the label is the focal point," she said." The capsule is the accent. It should support but not over- power the design." One of Sugarman's clients, Dan Marca of Dancin Vineyards in Medford, Ore., added a tag line to the very bottom edge of the winery's capsules that reads, "Dance Like Nobody's Watch- ing." It adds another element that speaks to the consumer a b o u t D a n c i n 's p h i l o s o p h y, Marca said, and also ties in with the décor and merchandise at the tasting room. "The tag line really suits us because we do things a bit differently," he said. "I think that's why the packaging works – it's image followed up by substance." Capsule design can be par- ticularly useful for newer brands trying to establish themselves w i t h c o n s u m e r s , S u g a r m a n noted. "(A designed capsule) is good when you're putting a wine out there and you are doing everything you can to make your branding be consistent and show the consumer who you are and what you do." Sugarman offered another reason why producers may want to consider adding a design ele- ment to their capsules: Somme- liers like it. "I've been told that restaurant sommeliers like writ- ing around the perimeter of the capsule because it helps to set the right tone and level of antici- pation when they're serving wine," she said. NECK PRINTING At Monvera Glass Décor in Richmond, Calif., one of the com- Dancin Vineyards' capsule tagline "Dance Like Nobody's Watching" adds a subtle branding element to the package.

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