April 2015

Fleet Management News & Business Info | Commercial Carrier Journal

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36 COMMERCIAL CARRIER JOURNAL | APRIL 2015 THIS YEAR'S ACTIVITIES: FREE TRUCK PARKING ȏ6KXWWOHEXVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQWR FRQYHQWLRQFHQWHU ȏ6KRZHUVIRRGYHQGRUVDQG H[KLELWRUGHPRV ȏ59SDUNLQJQRKRRNXSV FIT FOR THE ROAD HEALTH & WELLNESS PAVILION 7KLVSDYLOLRQZLOOSURYLGHSURGXFWV LQIRUPDWLRQIUHHVHUYLFHVDQG HGXFDWLRQWRDVVLVW\RXRQWKH URDGWREHWWHUKHDOWK ȏ)UHHKHDOWKVFUHHQLQJV ȏ&RRNLQJGHPRV ȏΖQFDEȴWQHVVGHPRV ȏ+HDOWK\IRRGRSWLRQV ȏ+HDOWKUHODWHGYHQGRUV RECRUITING PAVILION ȏ([SDQGHGSDYLOLRQZLWKPRUH UHFUXLWHUV ȏ)LQG\RXUQH[WMRE ȏ/HDUQDERXWȵHHWGULYHUSDFNDJHV OVERDRIVE'S PRIDE & POLISH ȏ1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQVKLSDW GATS ȏ%HVWRIVKRZ ZLQQHUVIURPWKH SDVW3ULGH 3ROLVK HYHQWVFRPSHWHIRU WKHJUDQGSUL]H ȏ6KRZWUXFNVIURP DFURVVWKHFRXQWU\RQGLVSOD\ PRIDE & POLISH STAGE 6WDJHKRVWLQJQXPHURXVVHVVLRQV WKDWZLOOH[FLWHDQGHGXFDWH ȏ7UXFNHUV*RW7DOHQWFRQWHVW ȏ3ULGH 3ROLVKDZDUGSUHVHQWDWLRQ ȏ3DUWQHUVLQ%XVLQHVV HGXFDWLRQDOVHVVLRQV ȏ$QGPRUH RED EYE RADIO ȏ'DLO\PHHWDQG JUHHWVDQGFHOHEULW\ DSSHDUDQFHV ȏ/LYHSHUIRUPDQFHVDWWKHERRWK ȏ3UL]HJLYHDZD\VDQGGUDZLQJV For a complete schedule of events, educational seminars and an exhibitor list, visit T he Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a lawsuit against Navistar International Corp. claiming the truck and engine maker improperly redacted and withheld documents the commission attempted to subpoena. The subpoenas are part of an SEC investigation into whether Navistar violated federal securities laws "by making false or misleading statements or material omissions" regarding its ability to obtain U.S. Environmental Protection Agency emissions certification for its MaxxForce engine line, according to court documents filed in January. Though Navistar has released thousands of documents so far, it has either redacted or withheld thousands of others, the SEC claims in its filings. Navistar says the documents fall under attorney-client privilege and therefore are protected from subpoena. The SEC, however, says many of the docu- ments are not protect- ed by attorney-client privilege and therefore should be produced. Its lawsuit against the company asks the U.S. District Court in Illinois to conduct a private review of the documents to deter- mine whether Navis- tar's claims are valid. If invalid, the SEC says, the court should order Navistar to produce the documents unredacted. Navistar has been facing legal heat in recent years over its 2010-12 attempts to meet federal emissions standards via exhaust gas recircula- tion. All other truck makers adopted selective catalytic reduction exhaust aftertreatment. In addition to the SEC investigation, Navistar has been sued by dozens of trucking companies alleging it knew that its 2008-13 model MaxxForce engines had defects the company concealed from buyers. Navistar marketed the engines as more reliable than competitors, the lawsuits claim. A federal judge consolidated the lawsuits in December. Navistar also has been sued by investors who claim the company and its former chief executive officer Dan Ustian and ex-chief financial officer An- drew Cederoth artificially inflated stock prices by misleading shareholders as to the company's financial outlook and withholding information from them. Those suits were filed in spring 2013. – James Jaillet SEC sues Navistar over redacted documents Navistar says the documents fall under attorney-client privilege and therefore are protected from subpoena.

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