Outdoor Power Equipment

March 2011

Proudly serving the industry for which it was named for more than 50 years, Outdoor Power Equipment provides dealers who sell and service outdoor power equipment with valuable information to succeed in a competitive market.

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Husqvarna partners with WebVisible for online search advertising Husqvarna and WebVisible announced Feb. 16 an exclusive partnership for online search advertising that will increase the online visi- bility of the manufacturer and its dealer partners throughout the country — and drive sales for more than 5,000 Husqvarna dealers nationwide. Husqvarna (www.Husqvarna.com) will make available WebVisible’s award-winning Geneva Technology Platform and associated services to participating dealers through its co-marketing program. For dealers, WebVisi- ble (www.WebVisible.com) will create online campaigns and place ads across networks and search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing — helping local dealers reach mil- lions of potential customers. “Search engines are now the No. 1 re- source for consumers looking for products, and this partnership will help participating dealers capture those new customers and in- crease sales,” said Mike Lewis, Husqvarna’s E- Business manager. “WebVisible has the best combination of technology and services to provide a low-effort, high-visibility online marketing channel for our dealers. And the company is committed to being a resource not only for us as a manufacturer, but also for every individual dealer who wants to par- ticipate in the program. We expect the use of online marketing by our dealers to increase by about 200 percent as a result of this new program.” WebVisible’s platform is completely scalable for Husqvarna’s online marketing needs. In addition, WebVisible has dedicated an account management team to walk deal- ers through the sign-on process and the acti- vation of dealer landing pages, to provide a thorough campaign analysis to ensure maxi- mum performance against budget, and to remain available to dealers whenever they need assistance. Each participating dealer will receive online access to detailed reports about how their campaigns are doing, how many customers visited their sites, who called, how many printed a map, and more. Husqvarna will be able to see these results in aggregate across all participating dealers and ensure their brand standards are being met. “The combination of strict brand controls and flexible local offers will help cultivate Husqvarna’s brand nationally and generate local business for individual dealers,” said Natalie Tarpinian, WebVisible’s vice presi- dent of national sales. “We’re essentially be- coming an extension of their marketing department — it’s our job to make sure in- dividual dealers get as much value as possi- ble, and to ensure this type of marketing program functions efficiently for all par- ties. Any company with a broad distribution network can use WebVisible’s platform to enhance their own advertising reach and in- crease sales.” WebVisible and Husqvarna are co-hosting webinars for dealers to give a technology demonstration, explain the value of WebVisi- ble’s services, and instructions to get started. For details about the webinars, call (800) 350-5861 or visit www.husqvarna.pro. OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT MARCH 2011 11

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