Student Driver Placement

September 2014

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26 September '14 Or Not Preventable Doe rolled over by rollup door N ot ready to let go of summer fun just yet, trucker John Doe hap- pily accepted the task of deliver- ing a load of colorful belly boards and swimwear to the Supreme Surfer Super- market in Cocoa Beach, Fla. Now, days later, he was almost at his destination, sitting proudly behind the wheel of a beautiful, powerful new conventional with bright red paint, highly-polished aluminum wheels, chrome stacks, an ample supply of fresh fruit (Doe was watching his weight, after all) and a soul-stimulating stereo that "probably could blow out the windshield," he mused. /LIHZDVJRRG%HIRUHORQJKH·GEHEDFN KRPHWRFUDQNXSKLVRO·+DUOH\6SRUWVWHU GRVRPHÀVKLQJVLJKWLQWKHQHZVFRSHRQ KLV:LQFKHVWHUIRUKXQWLQJVHDVRQDQGVWDUW UHVWRULQJWKHUXVW\*7;0DJQXP FRQYHUWLEOHKH·GSXUFKDVHGIURP-RH%RE DW$VD6KDUS·VJDUDJHLQ%HDYHUWRQ /HW·V VHH WXUQ ULJKW RQ WKLV URDG JR WKUHHEORFNVDQG«KH\WKHUHLWLVGHDG DKHDGWKH6XSUHPH6XUIHU6XSHUPDUNHW $IWHUZDLWLQJIRUDQRWKHUWUXFNHUWRH[LWWKH GRFNE\SDVVLQJXQGHUDPRWRUGULYHQURO OXSGRRU'RHEHJDQEDFNLQJKLVWUDLOHU FDXWLRXVO\H\HEDOOLQJKLVPLUURUV:KDWWKH «"""2KQR7KHUROOXSGRRUEHJDQWR UROOGRZQ«IDVW«DQG«:+803«KLW WKHWRSUHDURIKLVWUDLOHU $Q DJLWDWHG VWRUH PDQDJHU VXGGHQO\ PDWHULDOL]HGDQG\HOOHGWR'RHWRSXOOIRU ZDUGEXWWKDWPDQHXYHUULSSHGWKHGRFN GRRULQWRLWW\ELWW\SLHFHVHDUQLQJ'RHD SUHYHQWDEOHDFFLGHQWZDUQLQJOHWWHUZKLFK KHFRQWHVWHG$VNHGWRUHQGHUDÀQDOGH FLVLRQWKH1DWLRQDO6DIHW\&RXQFLO·V$FFL GHQW5HYLHZ&RPPLWWHHLPPHGLDWHO\UXOHG LQ'RH·VIDYRU7KHUHZDVQRZD\WKDW'RH FRXOG KDYH DQWLFLSDWHG RU HVFDSHG WKH GRRU·VGDVWDUGO\GHVFHQW16&VDLG X John Doe couldn't avoid the rollup door that rolled down onto the top rear of his trailer without warning. Was this a preventable accident?

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