Good Fruit Grower

December 2014

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Page 70 of 95 GOOD FRUIT GROWER DECEMBER 2014 71 his own irrigation business, and installed microirrigation systems for orchards. In 1996, he sold his business and moved back to the United States with his wife, Veronica. Mount Adams Orchard's president Don Gibson was looking for a bilin- gual person with a bachelor's degree to manage the new orchard, and Montoya qualified (though he was actually bilingual in Spanish and Italian, and only spoke a little English). The Montoyas have a home at the orchard, which is in a remote location 30 miles from Prosser, the nearest city. Montoya says that gives him plenty of opportuni- ties to read in his spare time—as well as think up new inventions. But he also likes learning about the past. "If I was not an apple grower, I would be an arche- ologist," he said. "I like history and reading about the Mayans, Egyptians, and Aztecs. And I like science. I love horticulture." • Go to to see a video of the machine operating. Antonio Montoya, manager at Mount Adams Orchard in Alderdale, Washington, designed a machine that DXWRPDWLFDOO\PRXQGVVRLORQWKHHGJHVRIDUH½HFWLYH mulch. The machine can accommodate a 40,000-foot roll of UH½HFWLYHPDWHULDO¯DERXWWZLFHDVPXFKDVVKRZQLQWKLV picture and ten times as much as in a standard roll. 7KHMRERIWKHZRUNHUULGLQJRQWKHEDFNRIWKHPDFKLQHLV WRFXWWKHUH½HFWLYHPDWHULDODWWKHHQGVRIWKHURZV

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