Fuel Oil News

Fuel Oil News December 2014

The home heating oil industry has a long and proud history, and Fuel Oil News has been there supporting it since 1935. It is an industry that has faced many challenges during that time. In its 77th year, Fuel Oil News is doing more than just holding

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products including lubricant and hydraulic fluid, according to Anthony Lancaster, fleet maintenance supervisor. Bio-based hydraulic fluid is becoming increasingly popular according to Case, because of the reduced cleanup costs in the event of a spill. Soy-based hydraulic fluid, being a "natural" product, is biodegradable, "and the cleanup effort is much less intense than is usually the case with a spill of petroleum-based hydraulic fluid," he said. For truck maintenance employees working with parts cleaners, the soy, biobased products are less toxic than petroleum-based products, based on comparisons of their respective Material Safety Data Sheets, which are used to gauge the degree of hazard of a product, Case said. Though the advantages vary depending on the product, parts washing solvent is a good example. The soy, biobased equivalent is not flammable, the volatile organic compounds being "signifi- cantly less" than those in petroleum-based products, Case said, noting that the bio-based versions also are more effective solvents while simultaneously functioning as a good lubricant. Truck maintenance is one of the most suitable applications for biobased lubricants, said Lou Honary, chairman and president of 22 December 2014 | FUeL OIL NeWS | www.fueloilnews.com BUSINESS OPERATIONS Chris Case, a former facility manager for the National Park Service, now a representative for the United Soybean Board, coaches a fleet mechanic on biobased products. Photo courtesy of United Soybean Board The group of technical experts and business professionals, representing 150 countries, develops voluntary consensus standards, which are used internationally to improve product quality.

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