Key Milwaukee

September 2015

An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Page 12 of 63 13 (414) 273-6007 1-800-334-5434 Sports Concerts Theatre Locally owned & operated Downtown at Broadway and Mason St. Packers Bucks Badgers The Hidden River Art Festival at the Wilson Center for the Arts celebrates its 10th anni- versary by welcoming more than 100 artists from across the Midwest. Held Sept 19-20, the festival includes art- ists' works in photography, painting, jewelry, ceramics, fiber arts, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and more. In addition to artist workshops and dem- onstrations, a Gallery Showcase, the Emerg- ing Artist Exhibition, and a silent auction featuring the artists' work, this year's festival will feature artwork by 2015 Pfister Artist-in- Residence finalists. The Ploch Art Gallery inside the center features works by 2011 and 2013 HRAF Best- in-Show award winner Peter Ciesla. New this year, adults, children, and families can participate in a hands-on, collaborative collage workshop led by RedLine Milwaukee resident artists. The community collage that is created will be displayed at the Wilson Center at a later date. Brookfield's Mitchell Park, 19805 W. Capitol Dr. Hours are 10am-5pm both days, and tick- ets for adults are $7 at the door. Children under 12 are free. Hidden River Art Festival highlights Midwest artists 55TH & STATE • SAZS.COM • 414.453.2410 Free Shuttles to Miller Park 1/2 Off All Appetizers after 8:00 PM Award Winning Barbecue

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