Aggregates Manager

September 2014

Aggregates Manager Digital Magazine

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5 AGGREGATES MANAGER September 2014 Michigan Danby Township offi cials postponed a public hearing on Superior Asphalt's proposed sand and gravel mine so the planning commission could further study it. According to the Lansing State Journal, commissioner members sought more time "to review the proposal again because it was bigger than initially thought." e proposed 243-acre mine would be located south of Portland. A supervisor also told the newspaper that the commission wants to do an impact study to see how the mine would aff ect traffi c, noise, property values, and the water table. Washington Hood Canal Sand and Gravel fi led suit in Jeff erson County Superior Court to block a state and federal plan to prevent development along the Hood Canal coastline. According to the Peninsula Daily News, the state Department of Natural Resources and the Navy announced a 55-year conservation easement that would block development of more than 4,800 acres of state-owned tidelands along Hood Canal. orndyke Resources Operations Complex, which is affi liated with the operator, wants to build a 998-foot-long pier on state-owned land near the Hood Canal Bridge to use for transporting gravel via barge. e lawsuit asks for nullifi cation of the easement, an order that the company has preserved rights to develop the property, and an injunction preventing the state and the Navy from enforcing the easement. Pennsylvania The Nature Conservancy has approached Upper Mount Bethel Township about purchasing the former Eastern Industries quarry there. reports a representative for the conservancy met with the board of supervisors last week with a purchase offer. The property is part of an area called the Mount Bethel Fens, which includes seeps, marshes, and forested wetlands that support at least 20 rare plants and animal species. Currently, the township pays $100,000 a year in mortgage payments for the property, which it purchased for $2 million. :HPDNH7KH%HVW 4XDOLW\5HGXFHUV :RUOG:LGH(OHFWULF&RUSRUDWLRQ ZZZZRUOGZLGHHOHFWULFQHW &DOO1RZ)RU7KH/RZHVW 0DUNHW3ULFHV ³8OWLPDWH´6KDIW0RXQW 5HGXFHU6\VWHP 6KDIWPRXQWUHGXFHU V\VWHPFDQEHXVHG LQVWDQGDUGDJJUHJDWH DQGVFUHZFRQYH\RU DSSOLFDWLRQV 5DWLRVL]HV 5DWLRV VL]HV 'URSLQUHSODFHPHQW IRUPRVWPDMRUPDNHV \HDUZDUUDQW\ +HOLFDO,QOLQH5HGXFHUV$QG6KDIW0RXQW5HGXFHU6\VWHPV 'HVLJQHG6SHFLILFDOO\)RU6FUHZ&RQYH\RU$SSOLFDWLRQV +HOLFDO,QOLQH5HGXFHUV +3+3 $OOUDWLQJVLQVWRFN %R[VL]HV 5DWLRV &DVWLURQKRXVLQJLV SUHFLVLRQSURFHVVHG IRUEHWWHUURWDWLRQDQG TXLHWHURSHUDWLRQ 'URSLQUHSODFHPHQW IRUPRVWPDMRUPDNHV \HDUZDUUDQW\ 7H[W,1)2WRRUYLVLWZZZDJJPDQFRPLQIR

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