National Catholic Forester

Winter 2015

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National Catholic Forester 2 An effective NCSF Mission. As many of you know, my husband Larry recently completed five years of formation and was ordained a permanent deacon in July. Because of those years of study, we have a lot of books in our house! One of those books is Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry A. Weddell. In the opening chapters the author includes data that can be useful as we find ways for NCSF to grow and be effective in our mission to serve Catholic families and the communities where those families live their faith. In order to be effective, we have to be realistic about the characteristics of the audience we want to reach and the people we serve. Even if the data seems a bit gloomy these days, the data will help us target our efforts. Outdated member drives? So often, we NCSF members think of sharing our message through our parishes. "Donut Sundays" can be opportunities for NCSF membership drives and bulletin announcements are a typical way we notify parishioners about our court activities. Catholic schools sometimes include information about our Start Smart insurance plan and the potential for tuition assistance it provides for our members. But, Ms. Weddell's book includes data that over 50% of Catholic adults are in the 18-46 age bracket, and yet in that age group only 10-13% attend Mass weekly. Data like this can help us know that we have to find new ways to reach this group, find out what they need, and create ways to address those needs. Her data also notes that only 6% of Catholic parishes stated that spreading the faith was a high priority. It seems to me that if a majority of our parishioners are not placing a high priority on spreading the faith, they also are unlikely to share their enthusiasm for NCSF as a faith-based society. What can we do? You yourselves can be effective ambassadors for NCSF. Because Pope Francis and the Catholic Church are frequently in the news these days, this can open up opportunities for discussion about things that are important to Catholics. Outreach. Outreach efforts, the works of mercy, serving God through service to others – these are all important Catholic values that can be brought into discussions about a Catholic perspective on life. And, membership in NCSF provides an excellent way for active Catholics to expand their options for serving their communities. So, talk about our faith and all the ways we are encouraged to extend the love of God to others. Mention that NCSF is a Catholic company that funnels its profits back into serving community needs. Tell people that NCSF is careful to have "moral" investments so that the society's investments are not with companies whose business endeavors are contrary to Catholic teaching. Product knowledge = Serenity Solutions. Encourage people to inquire about NCSF products as you talk about the practical side of life. As we "boomers" age, we will be having conversations about end of life issues, talking National President's Message Dear Members of the National Catholic Society of Foresters, DID YOU KNOW? Serenity Solutions is 3 groups of life insurance products designed for each stage in your life: Prelude 6WDUW6PDUW« 7HUPWR DQG

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