Vineyard & Winery Management

November/December 2016

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7 2 V I N E YA R D & W I N E RY M A N A G E M E N T | N o v - D e c 2 016 w w w. v w m m e d i a . c o m [ EK ] Ah, Pinot Gris! This sibling of Pinot Noir has moved back and forth across the face of Europe for centuries. Cool-climate Pinot Gris finds echoes of Europe here in Oregon, where it's capable of making great wine even in the toughest years in our mountain- ous regions. Welcome to power- ful structure, fruit and the kind of refinement that can come from not placing these vines in climates that are too warm. your company has also incorporated four acres of solar panels nestled beside rows of grapevines, which are expected to generate an annu- al production equivalent to 60% of King Estate's energy use. You turn to native wild raptors for help- ing to control pests and, as you've mentioned, the estate includes wetlands, woodlands and organic gardens as well as wastewater treatment ponds. Is there any miss- ing piece in the environmental stew- ardship puzzle that you'd like to put into place? [ EK ] We're looking at a system from Chile for using worms, saw- dust and gravel to clean the water we use to wash tanks. It's a very natural approach that mimics the way nature does it. [ V&WM ] What brought you to Oregon originally? [ EK ] I moved to Eugene in 1979 to get an MBA at the University of Oregon. [ V&WM ] When and how did your interest in wine develop? [ EK ] My wine interest really took serious root when I was in business school here in Oregon and began reading all about the industry's possibilities here. It was a far-fetched idea at the time. [ V&WM ] While King Estate's Pinot Noir is much esteemed, Pinot Gris, which the estate is widely credited with bringing to the atten- tion of American wine drinkers, may truly be your signature wine. Do you feel that this was a grape that hadn't been given its due respect? [ V&WM ] So do you think Ore- gon Pinot Gris has a good future? [ EK ] In 50 years, Oregon Pinot Gris will be understood as a world treasure right alongside Oregon Pinot Noir. And let me add that it will be the same with many of the other spectacular food and bever- age offerings from Oregon. As the world gets busier and more crowded in the years ahead, peo- ple will value its pure places and the artists who produce the best from their farms, vineyards and orchards. [ V&WM ] What's your favorite style of Pinot Gris? [ EK ] My favorite Pinot Gris is clean and crisp, with apples and pears, but also tropical touches — and no oak. [ V&WM ] Your idea of the perfect way to celebrate New Year's Eve? [ EK ] My perfect New Year's Eve? Celebrate each day as if it's New Year's Eve, and on December 31, stay home, go to bed early and, in the morning, get up strong and ready — because the next year has to be great. Marguerite Thomas is a Balti- more-based journalist and photogra- pher who contributes wine-related articles to several national and inter- national publications. She is the author of the books "Wineries of the Eastern States" and "Visiting East Coast Wineries." Comments? Please e-mail us at King Estate's Pinot Gris is widely credited with bringing the grape the attention of American wine consumers. US POSTAL SERVICE FORM 3526 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION 1. Publication Title: Vineyard & Winery Management. 2. Publication Number: 1047-4951. 3. Filing Date: 9/28/16. 4. Issue Frequency: Bi-Monthly. 5. Number of Issues Published Annually: Six. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $37.00. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: 1605 4th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: 1605 4th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 9. 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