Student Driver Placement

February 2015

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16 February '15 Or Not Preventable Rig no match for midnight snow I t was midnight, and the wind was howling like a hound dog as truck- er John Doe fought his way toward Woonsocket, S.D., peering intently through his windshield at a major bliz- zard. He was plowing his way through deep snow on Persnickety Pike at 35 mph with a heavily-laden 53-foot dry- freight van in tow. Appropriately, the lo- cal country-western channel was play- ing "A Thousand Miles from Nowhere." At least Doe had a big Thermos of ultra-strong coffee obtained from Aunt )DQQ\·V7UXFN6WRSWRNHHSKLPDOHUW DQGZDUP6XGGHQO\KLVKHDGOLJKWVLO luminated a strange "something" on the URDGDKHDG«*UHDWJDOORSLQ·JRSKHUV 3HUVQLFNHW\3LNHZDVEORFNHGSDUWLDOO\E\ DJLDQWWUHH )HYHULVKO\SXPSLQJWKHEUDNHV'RH ORFNHGDGHDWKJULSRQWKHVWHHULQJZKHHO EXWKLVIUDQWLFKHURLFDWWHPSWVWRVDYHWKH day did no good. His tractor slid into the IDOOHQRDNZLWKDUHVRXQGLQJ´:+203µ 'RHZDVQ·WKXUWEXWKLVEXPSHUZDV EUXWDOL]HGDQGDIHZGD\VODWHUKLVPRRG became traumatized when he received a ZDUQLQJOHWWHUIRUDSUHYHQWDEOHDFFLGHQW from his safety director. 'RHFRQWHVWHGWKHUXOLQJDQGWKH 1DWLRQDO6DIHW\&RXQFLOZDVDVNHGWR UHVROYHWKHGLVSXWH16&LPPHGLDWHO\ XSKHOGWKHSUHYHQWDEOHUXOLQJQRWLQJ that Doe clearly had been overdriving his headlights and was going too fast for EOL]]DUGFRQGLWLRQVZLWKGHHSVQRZRQD GDUNURDG X Sometimes windshield wipers and headlight beams just aren't enough. Doe gets a lesson in slowing down.

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