Vineyard & Winery Management

May/June 2013

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environment and prevent microbial development. "We put a lot of effort into automating our production process to minimize manual handling and maximize consistency in the final product," Pereira said. "One such example is our coating machinery, custom-built in Germany, which allows for automated dosage of coating products and a two-step coating system of application and stabilization for a more even distribution of the paraffin/silicone. This results in better consistency of the corks' insertion in the bottling lines." Put our cork in it. CORK SUPPLY USA In 2008, Cork Supply USA (CSU) built an energy-efficient, 100,000-square-foot facility in Benicia that includes a 25,000-squarefoot cork finishing plant designed to handle 1.5 million corks per day. Every shipment of natural cork must pass a strict quality assurance regime, both in Portugal and in Benicia, before it is accepted into inventory. This includes testing by Single-phase Microextraction (SPME-GC/MS) equipment in the Benicia lab's microbiologically controlled clean room. All corks are checked and graded for sensory characteristics, physical dimensions and overall quality. The facility provides finishing of natural, technical and sparkling wine corks that includes sorting, de-dusting, custom printing and fire branding, moisturizing, coating, and sterilized packaging. Cortica Benicia USA aicineB acitroC Natural . Twin-Disc . Agglo . Colmated . Champagne Tapered . Bar top . Technical . 3L . 6L Corks Screwcaps . Capsules . Wax . Wirehoods Contact us for more information 2479 Courage Drive, Ste A Fairfield, CA 94533 t: (800) 532-2207 | f: (707) 399-8381 | | 54 V I N E YARD & WINERY MANAGEMENT | May - June 2013 Cork Supply's new DS100 dry soak inspection tests corks individually for TCA. CSU recently introduced a special-order service at Benicia, the DS100 individual dry soak inspection, to test corks individually for TCA and off-aroma. CSU director of technical services Peter Hladun said, "This service is usuw w w. v w m m e d i a . c o m

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