National Catholic Forester

Summer 2015

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Summer 2015 — 29 WHO? YOU!! The NCSF motto, "Love, Benevolence, and Charity," encourages members to make a difference! What a great opportunity to make a difference with MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY! WHAT? People cross the nation will unite with a common mission – to improve the lives of others. In its 24th year, Make A Difference Day is a USA TODAY initiative, backed by the Gannett Company. In collaboration with Points of Light it is the largest national day of community service. WHEN? OCTOBER 24, 2015 VISIT! FRATERNAL DEPARTMENT 800.344.6273 x 244 Banners Available! 'RQģWIRUJHWWKH+RPH2IŅFHKDVIRXUņRRUDQGWDEOHHYHQWEDQQHUVWKDW\RX may request for your court's Hearts and Hands events! Decorate your banner with your Hearts and Hands poster and pictures from your court. Use magnets to hold items in place. You know who to call to reserve yours! (well, yes, it is the fraternal department at 800-344-6273!) HIGHLIGHTING LOVE BENEVOLENCE AND CHARITY Third Quarter Givaways! We hope everyone is enjoying the summer sunshine! Our new giveaway items are these fun 2.25" tall highlighters! If you are planning a court activity or small get-together contact Ann. We have great little giveaways to help put a smile on every member's face! We would love to send some out to you! Also available are NCSF napkins and placements – just ask and you shall receive. Celebrating Back-to School with Lunch box Fun! Using cookie cutters, sandwich ingredients, edible markers and a little imagination, you can add a smiley to a little ones lunch break! Here are a few samples to get you started!

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