National Catholic Forester

Summer 2015

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5 ... with NCSF's Education %HQHŅWV training scholarship. In-college scholarships are for $1,000 each year for a maximum of $2,000 over two years. OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING SCHOLARSHIPS: Applicants may be high school seniors or students/adults returning to school who meet all admission requirements of the accredited schools they plan to attend. Two (2) occupational training scholarships are offered each year. The awards are for $500 a year for a maximum of $1,000 over two years of study. They are intended for students pursuing a technical training program for semiprofessional occupations or vocational programs in skilled occupations. This program is not intended for those seeking a bachelor's degree. GRANT PROGRAMS* Members are eligible to receive grants to the Catholic school of their choice to defray the cost of their education. Applications are in winter magazine or they can be downloaded from the website. Applications for all grant programs must be postmarked by May 31. Only one entry per member will be accepted. Students may reapply for each year of school. Grant program recipients are chosen by lottery. Recipients of a Catholic VFKRROJUDQWDUHQRWGLVTXDOL¿HG from participation in other National Catholic Society of Foresters scholarship programs. CATHOLIC PRESCHOOL GRANTS: Ten (10) grants are awarded each year for $300 each. For the Catholic Preschool Grant (only) the 2-year wait is waived! Members of NCSF enrolled in a parish sponsored/run preschool program may apply. Funds are made payable directly to the recipient's Catholic school or parish program. CATHOLIC GRADE SCHOOL GRANTS: Thirty (30) grants are awarded each year for $300 each. Members of NCSF entering kindergarten through eighth grade may apply. Both applicants and recipients may reapply the following year, except for eighth- graders. Funds are made payable directly to the recipient's Catholic school. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GRANTS: Thirty (30) grants are awarded each year for $300 each. Members of NCSF in the eighth, ninth, tenth, or eleventh grades may apply. Both applicants and recipients may reapply the following year. Funds are made payable directly to the recipient's Catholic school. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM GRANT (CCD): Twenty (20) grants are awarded each year for $50 each. Only members of NCSF in grades K-11 and enrolled in a parish-sponsored education program may apply. Funds are made payable directly to the parish. CONTINUING EDUCATION GRANTS* Ten (10) continuing education grants of up to $250** are awarded annually to members interested in learning new skills (like computer classes or foreign language), or wishing to pursue a new hobby (like cooking, gardening, etc.). These grants can be used for credit or non-credit courses at a community college, park district, RURWKHUTXDOL¿HGLQVWLWXWLRQ7KH\ DUHDZDUGHGE\ORWWHU\WRTXDOL¿HG members 26 years of age and older. * Applicants must be NCSF members for two years before applying for scholarships and grants. Applicants must maintain a permanent form of insurance, DQDQQXLW\RUDPLQLPXPRIWHUPLQVXUDQFHH[FOXVLYHRIFHUWLŅFDWHVRQH[WHQGHGWHUPLQVXUDQFHRUUHGXFHGSDLGXSLQVXUDQFHZLWKWKH6RFLHW\ &HUWLŅFDWHVRILQVXUDQFHPXVWEHIUHHRILQGHEWHGQHVVWRWKH6RFLHW\6SHFLŅFVYDU\VRPHZKDWIURPSURJUDPWRSURJUDPVRFRQWDFWXVDERXWWKHSURJUDP you are interested in. ** Actual class fees are paid up to $250, including instructor required course supplies.

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