Equipment World

March 2013

Equipment World Digital Magazine

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ENGINE WEAR: YOUR EQUIPMENT���S WORST ENEMY. BLOCK IT. GUARDOL ECT WITH LIQUID TITANIUM PROTECTION ADDITIVE SHIELDS ENGINES FROM WEAR AND DOWNTIME. �� �� Engine wear disrupts maintenance operations and takes heavy-duty construction equipment offline. Guardol ECT engine oil with Liquid Titanium protection additive controls wear by creating a chemically bonded shield against it at critical hot spots. We have 250,000 hours of off-road test results to prove it works. Switch to the oil that battles wear and prolongs engine life. For more information about Guardol ECT with Liquid Titanium protection additive, visit Text INFO to 205-289-3715 or visit �� 2013 Phillips 66 Company. Phillips 66, Conoco, 76, Guardol ECT, Liquid Titanium and their respective logos are registered trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U.S.A. and other countries. T3-TRI-17170

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