Student Driver Placement

July 2014

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14 July '14 Feature C ASTROL INNOVENTURES INVESTS IN THE FUTURE WITH SMART MOBILIT Y VISION C astrol innoVentures, the strategic innovation arm of Castrol, con- ÀUPHGWRGD\WKHLUSODQVWRIXUWKHU LQYHVWLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIVPDUWPRELO LW\WUHQGVRIWKHIXWXUH &XVWRPHUV DUH GHPDQGLQJ PRUH HIÀ FLHQWWHFKQRORJ\OHGVROXWLRQVLQDUDQJHRI transport sectors from shipping to trucking to consumer automotive and this has fueled Castrol innoVenture's investment strategy. Castrol innoVentures has made three recent investments towards this vision including Peloton, GreenSteam(TM) and Zubie. "A pioneering company at its core, Castrol understands that the exchange of ideas and technologies between the automotive and tech industries has never been so vibrant DQGULFKDVLWLVWRGD\VDLG$65DPFKDQ der, Castrol's VP Global Marketing. "Castrol innoVentures is the catalyst for these new types of smart mobility technologies to allow Castrol to innovate in and beyond lubricants in the transportation space." 2XULQYHVWPHQWVUHÁHFWRXURQJRLQJLQ WHUHVWLQWHFKQRORJLHVWKDWKDYHVLJQLÀFDQW SRWHQWLDOWRRIIHUEHWWHUGULYLQJDQGPDLQWH nance experiences in the connected vehicle VSDFHDVZHOODVJUHDWHUHIÀFLHQF\IRURXU customers. We have invested in companies that are leading the way in these areas and are keen to further invest in technologies and VROXWLRQVWKDWPDNHRXUFXVWRPHUV OLYHVHDV ier," said Angel Gambino, General Manager, Smart Mobility, Castrol innoVentures. Peloton Technology is advancing safety DQGHIÀFLHQF\WHFKQRORJ\VROXWLRQVLQWKH heavy truck industry. )RXQGHGLQE\DWHDPRI6LOLFRQ9DO OH\HQWUHSUHQHXUV3HORWRQ7HFKQRORJ\DG dresses major pain points of today's trucking ÁHHWVDFFLGHQWVDQGIXHOFRVWV7KHV\VWHP developed by Peloton uses radar, '65&DQGFHOOXODUYHKLFOHWRYH KLFOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVWROLQNDF tive safety systems between pairs of trucks, allowing them to travel safely in aerodynamic platoons. 3HORWRQ V FRQQHFWHGYHKLFOH technology promises to improve VDIHW\DQGIXHOHIÀFLHQF\IRUWUXFNLQJÁHHWV and aims to reduce collisions and offer fuel savings of more than ten percent for users RILWVWHFKQRORJ\3HORWRQZLOOVXSSRUWDYD riety of intelligent transportation applications VHUYLQJ LQGXVWU\ DQG WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ DJHQ cies, and Castrol innoVentures' investment provides Peloton an opportunity to be one step closer to delivering their technology to the market. More information can be found DWZZZSHORWRQWHFKFRP Castrol innoVentures has also invested 86PLOOLRQLQ*UHHQ6WHDP70DWHFKQRO

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