Student Driver Placement

July 2014

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6 July '14 It Works How ContiTech Fluid Technology Handles All Truck Media Flows C ontiTech Fluid Technology manufactures lines for all truck PHGLD ÁRZV IRU WKH 1$)7$ region locally. The spectrum ranges from high-temperature oil hoses to fuel supply lines and on to optimized air-conditioning systems. For instance, ContiTech Fluid Tech- nology has developed a new generation of high-temperature oil hoses for turbo- chargers. "These are enabling us to ven- ture into 250°C temperature territory," states Product Developer Klaus Brühne emphatically. In addition to this, the hose design features numerous advantages RYHUWKH7HÁRQFRUUXJDWHGWXELQJDQGÁDW hoses used to date. 7KH\KDYHVLJQLÀFDQWO\JUHDWHUÁH[LELOL ty and thus enable a tight bending radius, ZKLFKPHDQVWKH\ÀWWKHWUHQGWRZDUGV downsizing and the associated smaller space requirements. Furthermore, they are lighter and therefore permit additional weight savings. This effect is further am- SOLÀHGE\DOLJKWHULQWHJUDWLRQV\VWHPDV a result of which the hose can also be combined with aluminum tubes without GLIÀFXOW\ The new sheathed hoses are used on the feed and return sides of the turbo- charger. They can withstand high tem- peratures without ill effect using a braided VKHDWKPDGHRIDSODVWLFH[KLELWLQJKLJK temperature and chemical resistance which encloses the FKM rubber inner lin- LQJDQGIHDWXUHVH[FHOOHQWÁH[LELOLW\7KH KRVHVFDQEHÀWWHGZLWKYHU\WLJKWEHQG ing radii. They can withstand operating pressures of up to 15 bar and can also be manufactured using a molding process. The hose is part of a kit from which the customer can select the right product for the particular application, resulting in FRVWEHQHÀWV7KHQHZSURGXFWFDQEH used for lubricating turbochargers and for other applications. $OOOLQHVIURPDVLQJOHVRXUFH The current generation of heatable hose assembly modules from ContiTech )OXLG7HFKQRORJ\IRU6&5H[KDXVWJDV scrubbing is manufactured for the North $PHULFDQPDUNHWLQ0H[LFRZKHUH&RQWL Tech produces all its lines locally for the truck sector in the NAFTA region. The SCR lines have heated quick connectors with optimized contacts which guarantee Don't be fooled by the outside: even if the new oil hose looks like a conventional fuel line, inside it's full of the latest in high-tech materials. Photo courtesy of ContiTech.

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