Student Driver Placement

July 2014

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28 July '14 Or Not Preventable Intersection gets interesting for Doe O n a warm summer day in the countryside near Pumpkin Patch, Ark., tractor-trailer driv- er John Doe rapidly was approaching Route 202, where he intended to turn left. Arriving at the intersection, Doe had a green light, so he started to make his turn, but … Gosh dang it! He was blocked by an old Dodge Ram pickup that was just stopping at the red light on Route 202 and wound up halfway through the intersection. Unfortunately, the Dodge was driven by a notoriously ill-tempered and uncoopera- tive young adult named Butch Snidely. Doe initially expected that Snidely would back up a few inches, permitting the trapped 18-wheeler to complete its turn. Then, de- FLGLQJWKDW6QLGHO\ZRXOGQ·WEXGJHZLWKRXW dynamite, Doe checked his mirrors, found that he had plenty of room, cautiously backed up about a foot and prepared to complete his turn. At that moment, the light on Route 202 turned green, signaling to Snidely that maximum acceleration was in order. So, deciding not to waste a few seconds for Doe to get out of the way, Snidely at- WHPSWHGWRVZLQJDURXQG'RH·VVWDWLRQDU\ WUDLOHUZLWKWKHSLFNXS·VSHGDOWRWKHPHWDO %/$06QLGHO\FRXOGQ·WVQHDNSDVWDQGKH FOLSSHGWKHFRUQHURI'RH·VWUDLOHU Later, Doe contested the preventable- accident warning letter from his safety di- UHFWRUDQGWKH1DWLRQDO6DIHW\&RXQFLO·V Accident Review Committee was asked to settle the dispute. NSC immediately UXOHGLQ'RH·VIDYRUQRWLQJWKDWKHFRXOG QRWORJLFDOO\KDYHSUHYHQWHG6QLGHO\·VVHOI destructive behavior. X John Doe could not move his tractor-trailer out of a tight squeeze in an intersection before an impatient pickup driver hit his trailer. Was this a preventable accident?

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