Student Driver Placement

July 2014

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O DYSSEY® battery by EnerSys® recently launched a redesign of its website, www.odysseybat-, incorporating responsive web design to optimize the user experience for a range of devices. The new technol- ogy adapts all of the website content – menus, text, images, etc. – for the size of the device being used, and is easy to read and navigate using a computer, tablet, or smartphone browser. "The redesigned ODYSSEY® battery ZHEVLWH·V DELOLW\ WR DGDSW G\QDPLFDOO\ WR DQ\ GHYLFH SURYLGHV DQ HQKDQFHG UHVRXUFHIRUFXVWRPHUVµVDLG'DYH0F 0XOOHQGLUHFWRURIFRPPHUFLDOPDUNHW LQJIRUVSHFLDOW\DQG836PDUNHWVDW (QHU6\V´:KHWKHUORRNLQJIRUSURGXFW LQIRUPDWLRQRUTXLFNOLQNVWRRXUVRFLDO PHGLDSODWIRUPVWKHZHEVLWHDOORZVXV HUVWRHDVLO\YLHZLQIRUPDWLRQIURPDQ\ GHYLFHDQ\ZKHUHµ $VSDUWRIWKHUHGHVLJQWKH2'<6 6(

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