Student Driver Placement

December 2014

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24 December '14 F orget what you think you know about Western Star. The proud niche-player that made its name ǁŝƚŚƚŽƵŐŚůŽŶŐͲŶŽƐĞĚĐŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶĂů designs introduced its new aerody- namic highway tractor at a recent press launch in Las Vegas. The new truck features a highly sculpted sleek design that retains the bold styling and robust stance of years past while delivering fuel economy num- EHUVWKDWSODFHWKHWUXFNÀUPO\LQWKHPRVW aggressive greenhouse gas emissions regulation category. In fact, according to Western Star design engineers, the new truck is already earning the company EPA HPLVVLRQVFUHGLWVZLWKLWVIXHOHIÀFLHQF\ performance — a feat that is unprecedent- HGLQWKHFRPSDQ\·V\HDUKLVWRU\ Ann Demitruk, director of marketing for Western Star, said the concept of the truck arose during focus group conversations at the 2009 Mid-America Truck Show, with project approval coming two years later. The truck debuted after countless wind tunnel tests and over 20,000 hours of per- formance and functionality testing – by far the most intensive development effort in :HVWHUQ6WDU·VKLVWRU\ "XE – which stands for extreme ef- ÀFLHQF\²VXPPDUL]HVH[DFWO\ZKDWWKLV new truck is all about," added Michael Jackson, general manager, Western Star. "By blending legendary Western Star rug- gedness together with aerodynamic inno- YDWLRQVDQGWKHPRVWIXHOHIÀFLHQWSRZ ertrain available, we have built a powerful solution that is the best of both worlds – and unlike anything else on the road to- day." Jackson says the Class 8 on-highway truck is ideal for owner-operators and VPDOOWRPHGLXPVL]HGÁHHWVLQWUXFNORDG LTL, bulk, refrigerated, long-haul and PDQXIDFWXULQJDSSOLFDWLRQV7KH;( features a 126-inch BBC with a set-back axle and is available in a range of spa- FLRXVDQGOLJKWZHLJKWVOHHSHUFRQÀJXUD tions. ´6RPHSHRSOHVD\ZH·UHODWHWRWKHDHUR dynamic trend in trucking," Jackson noted. ´%XWZHWKLQNRXUWLPLQJLVSHUIHFW:H·UH QRZ VHHLQJ VPDOOHU ÁHHWV DQG RZQHU operators starting to get back into the in- dustry now that the economy is improving. $QGWKH;(LVSHUIHFWO\SRVLWLRQHGWR help them make money while owning a GLVWLQFWLYHWUXFNWKDWÀWVWKHLULPDJHDQG sets them apart from the competition." All-new features Demitruk pointed out a multitude of all- QHZIHDWXUHVWKDWGHÀQHWKHQHZWUXFNLQ cluding an aerodynamic hood, roof, chas- sis and cab fairings that reduce drag and LQFUHDVHHIÀFLHQF\ |Tomorrow's Trucks | Western Star Introduces Redesigned On-Highway Tractor By Jack Roberts

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