National Catholic Forester

Summer 2015

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National Catholic Forester 12 CLETONIA DICKENS Court 391, Chicago, IL Cletonia has been the president of Court 391 for the past two years, where she leads the court with grace and dignity. Cletonia is also a member of St. Elizabeth Church for over 45 years. Plus: Ī&KDLUSHUVRQDQQLYHUVDU\GLQQHU Ī3DVWFRUUHVSRQGHQFHVHFUHWDU\ for the court ĪFRQYHQWLRQGHOHJDWH Ī+HOSVZLWKFRXUWIXQGUDLVHUV for H&H's, ReLiEF Award, and Alzheimer's VOLUNTEER Ī6WDUWHGSDULVKEHUHDYHPHQWPLQLVWU\ in 2012, and is currently serving as president Ī9LFHSUHVLGHQW/DGLHV6RGDOLW\ġ organizing fundraisers to support parish needs and provide Catholic school scholarships Ī3DVWLQYROYHPHQWLQPHPEHU outreach program Ī3DVWVHFUHWDU\3DVWRUV*XLOG Ī3DVWVHFUHWDU\RI6W(OL]DEHWKģV school board Ī3DVW6%6DVVRFLDWHJLUOVFRXW leader, and bingo coordinator Ī(02& Ī/HFWRU Ī6U7KHD%RZHQ$ZDUG Ī:RPHQRI'LVWLQFWLRQ$ZDUG MOBILIZING GENERATIONS Ī9ROXQWHHUDW6DOYDWLRQ$UP\ Ī6HUYHV7KDQNVJLYLQJGLQQHUWR homeless and elderly Ī9ROXQWHHUVDW6W&ROXPEDQXV VFKRROLQFODVVURRPVŅHOGWULSV and fundraising GENEVIEVE KRAMER Court 850, Marathon, WI Genevieve has been with the Society for 70 years. She joined St. Mary Court 320 at the age of 6 and transferred to St. Mary Court 850 in 2011. Genevieve attends all local meetings and is always there with a helping hand at Hearts and Hands events. She was the treasurer of St. Mary Court 320. VOLUNTEER Ī3DULVKPDUDWKRQSDUWLFLSDQW Ī(02& Ī)XQHUDOGLQQHUFRFKDLU Ī)XQHUDOFKRLU Ī&OHDQVFKXUFK Ī0RQH\FRXQWHUFRRUGLQDWRU Ī+HOSVZLWKWKHFKXUFKUXPPDJHVDOH Ī([WHQVLYHKHOSZLWKDVSHFLDO parish project Ī1XUVLQJKRPHYROXQWHHUIRU\HDUV Ī6SLULWXDOFHQWHURIŅFHKHOSHU Ī9LVLWVDVVLVWHGOLYLQJUHVLGHQWV MOBILIZING GENERATIONS Ī:RUNVZLWKMXQLRUPHPEHUV on fundraisers Ī6KRZVE\H[DPSOHWKHJUHDWQHHG for volunteering Ī&RQWULEXWHVLGHDVWRSURPRWH fundraisers MARY L. PORTWINE Court 868, Muscoda, WI Mary has been a member for over 60 years. She attends most local meetings, despite being a non-driver. Mary also attends diocesan association meetings and was a delegate to past NCSF National Convention. VOLUNTEER Ī&XUUHQWYROXQWHHUUHDGHUDW nursing home Ī&XUUHQWIXQHUDOOXQFKHRQYROXQWHHU Ī9ROXQWHHUVDWEORRGPRELOHDOVR donor since 1970 Ī+HOSVDW&&:HYHQWV Ī3DULVKJUHHWHU Ī&KRLUPHPEHU Ī\HDUVSDVWYROXQWHHUURDG side clean up Ī\HDUVSDVWYROXQWHHUORFDOVHQLRU citizen meal site DIANE SCHMITZ Court 901, Park Rapids, MN Diane is one of those members that every court wishes they could clone. She has been with the Society for 14 years. In that time she has been court treasurer, a recurring volunteer for chairperson of the month, has given extensive help with Hearts ank you to our 2015 nominees! We are very proud of our members' fraternal good works! 2015 Fraternalist of the Year Nominees

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