National Catholic Forester

Summer 2015

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Summer 2015 — 13 and Hands events, and has attended and helped planned past diocesan association meetings. That's the way Diane is, if something needs to be done, Diane is there to help! VOLUNTEER Ī)RVWHUJUDQGSDUHQWGXULQJVFKRRO year, helping with kids grades K-4 – children love her! Ī(02&DQGWDNHVFRPPXQLRQWRWKH homebound Ī+HOSVZLWKSDULVKIXQGUDLVHUV Ī+HOSVPDLQWDLQYRWLYHVLQ$GRUDWLRQ Chapel where she spends a few hours in prayer each week Ī*UHHWHUDW0DVV Ī3DULVKPRQH\FRXQWHU MOBILIZING GENERATIONS Ī2UJDQL]HGSDULVKSUD\HUFKDLQ Ī2QVLVWHUSDULVKFRPPLWWHHĠZLWK ongoing efforts to raise funds to EHQHŅWWKHLPSRYHULVKHGSDULVKLQ Haiti Ī+HOSVDWPRQWKO\SDULVK community dinner Ī0HPEHUKRVSLWDODX[LOLDU\ZRUNV in gift shop SYLVIA WEILER Court 998, Rudolph, WI In Sylvia you ZLOOŅQGWKH word "volunteer" H[HPSOLŅHG Sylvia is a 52- year member and has been court Fraternalist of the Year for many years. She has been court president since 1987 and has held WKHRIŅFHRIWUHDVXUHUMXQLRUGLUHFWRU and auditor. Sylvia makes everyone feel welcome and has energy that does not expire! Plus: Ī&KDLURIDQQXDOSDQFDNH breakfast fundraiser Ī+HDGVDQQXDO&KULVWPDVVRFLDO and membership drive Ī+HOSVZLWKIXQGUDLVHUVIRU ReLiEF Award and Alzheimer's Ī3DVWGHOHJDWHDWVWDWHDQG national convention Ī3DVWGLRFHVDQDVVRFLDWLRQ president VOLUNTEER Ī0HPEHUFKXUFKFKRLU Ī*UHHWHUSDULVKPRQH\FRXQWHU folds bulletins Ī%ULQJVFRPPXQLRQWR homebound Ī&KDLUVDQQXDOSDULVKSLFQLF Ī+HOSVZLWKIXQHUDOGLQQHUVSDULVK fundraisers, and Neighborhood Table (feeding the less fortunate) Ī&XUUHQWO\YROXQWHHUVDW local hospital Ī5HDGVWRFKLOGUHQDWORFDOOLEUDU\ Ī0HPEHURIWKH6HUUD&OXESDVW secretary, current membership committee & fundraising Ī3DVWVHFUHWDU\&DWKROLF Daughters of America, chairing their education contest & assisting with fundraising Ī3DVWSUHVLGHQW:RRG&RXQW\ Association for Home & Community Education Ī3DVWFRXQW\WUHDVXUHU Ī6XQJDQGWUDYHOHGZLWK the Friendship Choir Ī5XGROSK*URWWR past volunteer Celebrating Back-to-School SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS, 1225 to 1274 Patron Saint of all Universities and of Students St. Thomas Aquinas was a priest and doctor of the Church. When St. Thomas was 5, his father placed him under the care of the Benedictines of Monte Casino, where he surpassed his class in learning and in the practice of virtue. When he became of age to choose his state of life, St. Thomas renounced the things of this world. In 1243 at 17, he joined the Dominicans of Naples. Members of his family tried to tempt him away from his vocation. As a reward for his fidelity, God conferred upon him the gift of perfect chastity, which has merited for him the title of the "Angelic Doctor". St. Thomas studied at Cologne where they nick-named him "dumb ox" because of his quiet ways and big size; yet despite the teasing he excelled. At the age of 22, he was appointed to teach in Cologne. After four years he was sent to Paris. He was then a priest. At the age of 31, he received his doctorate, yet declined the ecclesiastical dignity to teach in Rome as well the role of archbishopric of Naples. St. Thomas was one of the greatest theologians of all time. His writings filled 20 hefty tomes. He left the great monument of his learning, the "Summa Theologica", unfinished, when he died on his way to the second Council of Lyons. He was canonized in 1323 and declared Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius V.

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