Golf Infuzion Magazine

April 2011

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MYTHBUSTER | INSTRUCTION BACKSWING LATERAL MOTION Weight shift is one of the major power sources in the swing. Shifting your weight forwards on the downswing is only half the job. To go forwards, you must go back first! Once you have obtained an athletic set- up position and your weight is equally distributed into your left and right leg, you are now ready to start the transfer of weight into your right side. On the backswing, your weight will shift to the inside of your right leg as your hips and shoulders coil behind the ball. This position would simulate a windup that any great athlete would have in a throwing motion. Notice how my body has shifted away from the target during my backswing. I have now “loaded” my weight onto my right leg. This will allow me to create an “explosive” downswing by initiating the downswing with a lateral shift to the front leg. Avoid: Make sure your weight doesn’t go to the outside of your right foot. If it has, you’ve gone too far. THE SIMILARITIES OF A THROWING MOTION TO A GOLF SWING The fundamental movements of the golf swing are similar to a throwing motion. It requires a loading action into the right leg just like the swing requires a powerful backswing coil. This is followed by the legs and body rotating into the left leg. There will be a “throw” or in the swing a “hit” while the weight will be shifting and rotating into a balanced finish position on the left leg. APRIL 2011 GOLFINFUZION.COM 11

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