World Fence News

April 2014

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WORLD FENCE NEWS • APRIL 2014 • 23 800-328-GATE We Close Openings *UHHQZLFK1<3HDUODQG7;)W'RGJH,$ &ORVLQJRSHQLQJVIURPWRIHHW 'HVLJQHGDQGWHVWHGDVV\VWHPV &DQWLOHYHU*DWH6\VWHPV 2YHUKHDG*DWH6\VWHPV 9HUWLFDO/LIW*DWHV 3HGHVWULDQ*DWHV 3RUWDOV &UDVK7HVWHG&DQWLOHYHU*DWHV %L)ROGLQJ6SHHG*DWHV 9HUWLFDO3LYRW*DWHV &UDVK7HVWHG%HDPV 0DQXIDFWXULQJ4XDOLW\6HFXULW\*DWH6\VWHPV6LQFH Tymetal Corp. Tymetal Corp. Gate & Operator Systems &XVWRP*DWH'HVLJQV 6ZLQJ*DWHV '(6,*16(59,&(6&8672063(&,),&$7,216&86720'5$:,1*67(&+1,&$/6833257 2UQDPHQWDO*DWH6\VWHPV Finally for this issue, we spoke with Rich Goss of USA Steel Fence Company in Bradenton, Florida. Rich told us that this past season was down, especially on the commercial side, but overall the margins were up. The company business mix is 50% commercial and 50% residential. They service the entire state of Florida and have other locations. On the residential side, the company does PVC, privacy, orna- mental aluminum, and some wood. Rich shared with us that there are 500 people a day moving into the state, according to the latest statistics which he heard the morning we were talking. On the commercial side, subdivi- sions are getting off the ground, de- velopers are picking up, and home prices are rising. Lots of retail is coming on stream, which creates infrastructure work, in- cluding road construction. Perimeter and access control work along with lift station work are also picking up. Rich also told us that the company has been servicing the needs of its cus- tomers for some 40 years. The company carries a full product line, which includes chain link, gates/access control, ornamental alu- minum, PVC, wood, barricades, tools and fittings, as well as baseball cage net- ting and windscreen. We then asked Rich what are some of the major changes or trends they have seen in the fence business in their area. Rich told us there was nothing as far as materials are concerned but that technology has changed things. On the commercial side there are some new ways to keep in constant con- tact with the crews, for instance, e- mails, texting, and now the ability to send drawings, etc., straight to the crews via smart phones, laptops, etc. On the residential side, PVC has been big, and the internet has allowed the customers to get 8-9 quotes for a particular job. Of course, that has made it a price driven situation. We then asked Rich whether or not these changes have been better or worse. Rich told us it was better. Busi- ness has become much more efficient. People can interact better because of the internet. We then asked Rich how the labor situation was in his area. We were told that there was difficulty in getting good help. They are forced from time to time to take a lead guy out of a set crew and create an additional one or two man crew for a particular assign- ment. Rich also told us that there is no loyalty among the employees. If a fence guy gets a better offer he will bolt. They run ads in many places, in- cluding World Fence News, to recruit. It's an ongoing problem since the company has approximately 25 to 30 crews in the field at any given time. We then asked about the economy in the area. Rich told us that things were start- ing to turn around. There was lots of pri- vate sector building, as well as infrastructure. Florida is a big market, with some 500 people a day moving in. On the West coast of Florida, a lot of foreclosures have been absorbed by in- vestor groups. Real estate prices are up 15%-20% in recent months. When asked how he thought the in- dustry would fare this year, Rich told us continued on page 27

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