World Fence News

January 2015

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WORLD FENCE NEWS • JANUARY 2015 • 23 in ornamental iron, but not really a lot of vinyl in use. Apartment building construction is going well. In fact, Pat noted that there is a renaissance oc- curing in downtown Memphis. Finally we asked about the com- pany strategy for 2015. Pat told us that they were pretty much going to con- centrate day to day on what they do best and not really make any major changes. In response to the question how do you think the commercial fence season for 2015 will go, he said It will be pretty good if the past couple of months is any indication. We then spoke with Alain Brule of Western Access Control in North- glenn, Colorado. Al told us that his season was fantastic. In fact, when we spoke to him he told us that he was eight weeks out. The company is a wholesale op- eration. The company business mix is 75% commercial and 25% residential. The company service area covers all of Colorado and Wyoming. For the most part, the company business is supplying materials for storage units and access control for commercial-industrial applications. We asked Al what the biggest challenge was for the company this past season. He told us that getting paid on time was a big one, as well as a lack of sense of urgency among cus- tomers and prospects in the decision making process: People aren't really eager to make decisions in a timely manner. We asked Al what the biggest surprise of this past season was. He responded that it was the amount of demand. Quotes and bidding were up some 25%. We then asked how the economy was in the area. We were told that it was great. However, companies often can't fi nd enough workers to meet demand, and it frustrates the customers from time to time. On the commercial side, build- ing renovations are going strong and along with the renovations, automatic gates and access control equipment reap the benefi ts. On the residential side, automat- ic security products are selling well. This is the best climate for these prod- ucts since 9-11, Al said. New housing is going up substan- tially as well. New homes are being built, including massive multi-million dollar residences. The Denver area is becoming the hottest apartment hous- ing rental area in quite some time. In short, things are booming everywhere. We then asked about the company strategy for 2015. We were told that there is nothing in particular that is being focused on, per se. They are writing lots of service contracts for 2015. Al sees things con- tinuing to go strong, but he says peo- ple should have some caution about them as they proceed. We caught up to Terry Ham- lett of Western Fence Company in Jackson, Tennessee. At the time we talked, Terry told us this year was outstanding and he was looking at an increase of some 15%-20% over last year. Additionally, he was two months out. The company business mix is 85% commercial and 15% residential, generated in a 150 mile radius. Terry told us that the bulk of his work is in chain link and wrought iron, installed at such venues as ball fi elds and industrial security situations. We then asked Terry what was the biggest challenge that they had to deal with. He told us overcoming breakdowns – truck breakdowns, to be exact. The company switched to heavy industrial and the fence business has gone well. We then asked Terry what the biggest surprise this season was. We were told, moving to a new loca- tion. And getting so much commercial work, about 80% online, was quite a surprise. We then asked what he thought was attributable to his success. Terry very succinctly replied We do what we say we're going to do. This is the biggest asset. We then asked about the economy in the area. Terry told us that Jackson, which is a hub city on I-40 northeast of Memphis, is doing okay. The home building industry is picking up, and there is some pretty aggressive developing going on. Apartment complexes and upper end homes are being built. On the commercial side, develop- ment is occurring as well. We then asked about the compa- ny strategy for 2015, and Terry told us that they are trying hard to keep costs down. They are also trying to pick up more commercial work. We then asked what he thought the outlook for 2015 and the fence in- dustry will be. He continues to see it growing, and the residential market is going to pick up as well. 800-328-GATE We Close Openings *UHHQZLFK1<3HDUODQG7;)W'RGJH,$ &ORVLQJRSHQLQJVIURPWRIHHW 'HVLJQHGDQGWHVWHGDVV\VWHPV ([FOXVLYH86GLVWULEXWRURI 6DIHW\ÀH[&UDVK5DWHG%ROODUGV &DQWLOHYHU*DWH6\VWHPV 2YHUKHDG*DWH6\VWHPV 9HUWLFDO/LIW*DWHV 3HGHVWULDQ*DWHV 3RUWDOV &UDVK5DWHG&DQWLOHYHU*DWHV &UDVK5DWHG6WUHHW)XUQLWXUH 9HUWLFDO3LYRW*DWHV &UDVK5DWHG%HDPV 0DQXIDFWXULQJ4XDOLW\6HFXULW\*DWH6\VWHPV6LQFH Tymetal Corp. Tymetal Corp. Gate & Operator Systems 6KDOORZ0RXQWHG&UDVK5DWHG%ROODUGV 6ZLQJ*DWHV '(6,*16(59,&(6&8672063(&,),&$7,216&86720'5$:,1*67(&+1,&$/6833257 2UQDPHQWDO*DWH6\VWHPV

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