National Catholic Forester

Spring 2012

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A discussion was held on an Independent Marketing Organization (IMO) based in Sioux City, Iowa. A trip will be planned to see how this IMO could benefit the Society. A Christmas luncheon was shared with the Home Office staff. Committee meetings were held after the lunch break. A discussion was held on board evaluations. The meeting recessed at 5:30 p.m., with a prayer. Friday, December 9, 2011 The December quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Society of Foresters was called to order by National President Margaret Babinat on Friday, December 9, 2011 at 8:03 a.m. in the board room of the Home Office. All members of the Board were present. The meeting opened with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States. Motion by National Director Rosalie Pyle and seconded by National Director Jane Uselman that the minutes of the September 2011 meeting be accepted as amended. Motion Passed 11 Yes - 0 No COMMITTEE MEETING REPORTS: AUDIT COMMITTEE Catherine Hensel, Thomas Meyer, Rosalie Pyle A request for proposal (RFP) was mailed to seven audit firms. Phone calls have been received from three of the companies requesting further information about NCSF, and two have requested a visit with the Home Office staff and/or committee members. The deadline for submissions of the proposals is January 31, 2012 and the committee will select two of the companies for interviews to be scheduled during the March 2012 board meeting. A recommendation for acceptance of a proposal will be presented to the Board at the March meeting. CONSTITUTION AND LAWS COMMITTEE Jon Mocol, Jane Uselman, Loretta Nelson and Patricia DeNys The committee reported that they are involved in researching suggested changes that have been received. Respectfully submitted, Jon Mocol, Jane Uselman, Loretta Nelson, Patricia DeNys YOUTH COMMITTEE The Youth Committee met on December 8, 2011. Present were Carol Clauson, Margaret Schmitt and Linda Ortiz. The goal of this meeting was to review documents/brochures related to scholarships. The following brochures were reviewed: • Fraternal Benefits • Scholarship and Grant Programs • We Are Glad To Meet You Suggestions were made for corrections and additions to these brochures at the time of the next printing. Any other documents will be reviewed at future meetings. The "Blue Form" was given to Jennifer Bernau for updating. She will be sending proofs on or before December 14, 2011. At this time, the committee feels like the youth programs are moving forward in a positive direction. Respectfully submitted, Carol Clauson, Margaret Schmitt, Linda Ortiz The Board held on open discussion on the American Fraternal Alliance (AFA) Annual meeting. National Vice President Margaret Schmitt, National Director Rosalie Pyle, National Secretary Patricia DeNys and National Treasurer Jon Mocol shared information on the sessions they attended. continued on page 8 Spring 2012 — 7

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