World Fence News

May 2015

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WORLD FENCE NEWS • MAY 2015 • 27 We then asked what the biggest surprise was. He replied that it was that they did as well as they did given the very late start to the season that they had. We then asked what the economy was like in the area. Jim told us that it was pretty decent, and steady. The residential side doesn't really have any new construction to speak of. On the commercial side, Phizer is doing well and bringing jobs to the area. We were also told that apartment rentals are strong. Further we were told that the Speedway gas stations and convenience stores are creating repair work. As regards to the infrastructure, we were told that road repairs are tak- ing place. We then asked what the company strategy is for 2015. The biggest con- cern is going to be fi nding land onto which to expand so as to create a shop and a retail outlet. Finally, we asked what Jim thought the outlook for the fence in- dustry in his area would be like. He said he felt that there would be a steady and growing "baby step" kind of growth; in other words incremental growth if you will for the year. Finally for this issue we spoke briefl y with Moises Huerta, branch manager of Eagle Fence Distributing in Gurnee, Illinois. Moises told us that he has been in the business some 30 years and that this branch started from scratch in 2010. Eagle Fence is a 100% wholesale distributor whose service area is some 170 miles in radius. Last year ended up 20%, we were told, and that is the expectation level for 2015. The busi- ness mix, Moises told us, is 40% resi- dential and 60% commercial. On the residential side, we were told that the big movers are wood and PVC. On the commercial side, wood, aluminum, and ornamental steel are big. We then asked Moises about the economy in the area. He told us that it was good right now. Projects are go- ing ahead, including a high speed rail line between Chicago and St. Louis. On the residential side, we were told that more people are getting back to work. There are more repairs go- ing on, which leads to replacement of fences. Further, we were told that resi- dential is very strong – the suburbs are building back up. At the time we spoke, Moises was working on 10 quotes, of which six were residen- tial. Commercially, we were told that buildings in the old part of Chicago were being retrofi tted. Apartment buildings are now see- ing a pick up in railing installations. As far as jobs are concerned, Moi- ses expressed the opinion, "If unions would leave things alone, jobs would pick up." The wage levels demanded by the unions are unreasonable, he said, especially when union labor is required on so many types of projects. Moises also pointed out that as a result of the cold winter and record breaking temperatures, there should be a lot of sewer repair work coming in the second half of the year. We then asked what the company strategy is for 2015. We were told it is to continue giving great service and offering top shelf materials, while be- ing competitive as well. Down the road in 2016 the com- pany will be ready to expand – they already are needing more space. 800-328-GATE We Close Openings *UHHQZLFK1<3HDUODQG7;)W'RGJH,$ &ORVLQJRSHQLQJVIURPWRIHHW 'HVLJQHGDQGWHVWHGDVV\VWHPV ([FOXVLYH86GLVWULEXWRURI 6DIHW\ÀH[&UDVK5DWHG%ROODUGV &DQWLOHYHU*DWH6\VWHPV 2YHUKHDG*DWH6\VWHPV 9HUWLFDO/LIW*DWHV 3HGHVWULDQ*DWHV 3RUWDOV &UDVK5DWHG&DQWLOHYHU*DWHV &UDVK5DWHG6WUHHW)XUQLWXUH 9HUWLFDO3LYRW*DWHV &UDVK5DWHG%HDPV 0DQXIDFWXULQJ4XDOLW\6HFXULW\*DWH6\VWHPV6LQFH Tymetal Corp. Tymetal Corp. Gate & Operator Systems 6KDOORZ0RXQWHG&UDVK5DWHG%ROODUGV 6ZLQJ*DWHV '(6,*16(59,&(6&8672063(&,),&$7,216&86720'5$:,1*67(&+1,&$/6833257 2UQDPHQWDO*DWH6\VWHPV <285*2726285&( )25*$7($8720$7,21 :H·UHH[SHULHQFHGUHOLDEOHDQGFRPPLWWHGWRTXDOLW\ /HWXVSXWRXUH[SHUWLVHWRZRUNIRU\RX &XVWRPGHVLJQVHUYLFHV6DPHGD\VKLSSLQJ +DQGVRQ7UDLQLQJ7HFKVXSSRUW DFJDQ\FRP $&&(66&21752/ *$7($8720$7,21,1& '225.,1*)$$&9,.,1*1,&(&$57(//',$%/2(0; $0(5,&$1$&&(66/,1($50,//(5('*(1$7,21$//223$1'025(

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